Fourteen new research students join CSLS

2024 has seen the arrival of a large cohort of new research students studying for both the DPhil and the MPhil in socio-legal studies. Some have legal backgrounds, others are trained in social sciences, but their projects all centre on empirical research. We look forward to seeing how their projects develop over the coming years.

Bazzi, Zeinab A ‘Just’ Welfare State for the Few? The Dutch Childcare Benefit Scandal and the Changing Nature of the Welfare State

Eder, Luise How do transnational AI governance initiatives frame and steer regulatory and policy frameworks in the Global South?

Genc, Ekin Can Trust, Code, and Degeneracy: An Empirical Inquiry into the Fragile Private Order of Decentralized Finance

Koriki, Nagi The Limits of the State

Obrebska, Maria Populism as ‘caring against’: the relationship between care and citizenship, as evidenced in the conflict around sexual education in Poland

Pandey, Harshita Beyond Consent and Coercion: Socialization and Law. Socio-legal studies, Gender Studies, Sociology-

Rajamane Rajendra, Mihir ‘Transgender’ in India: Decoding the Dynamics of State Law and Gender as an Institution through a Material Perspective

Rohlfs, Chiara Who defines corporate climate obligations? Exploring the blind spots and interaction between private regulatory initiatives and corporate climate law.

Vöhler, Johannes Judicial Independence in the EU – A Matter of Legal Culture?

Wilarttratsami, Supakorn Shifting legal consciousness under Thailand’s new National Screening Mechanism for ‘Protected Persons’ (Asylum Seekers)


Asmi, Mohammad Zayaan Access to Justice, Human Rights, Law in a Digital World. Title: Socio-political Dimension of Internet Freedom in India.

Ostrow, Ethan Restorative Justice as Legal-Governance: Tracing Technique Through Institutional Politics

Siwakoti, Sachin Evaluating Socio-Economic Rights Realization: Study of the Inequality Jurisprudence and Implementation Status in Nepal

Tu, Lucy Medical Law & Ethics; Feminist Legal Studies Title: Pregnancy by Design: A Study of Genomic Technologies & Prenatal Personhood Laws

The Centre for Socio-Legal Studies has over 40 research students, all of whom are provided with advanced training in Theory and methods before embarking on extensive fieldwork or data collection. Our students come from across the world and bring a rich diversity of knowledge and experience with them.