The Centre for Socio-Legal Studies welcomes applications from candidates wishing to pursue doctoral study in the field of Socio-Legal Studies. From October 2017, the programme is available on a full-time or part-time basis.

Course in brief
Full-time study usually comprises three to four years, inclusive of research methodology training in the first year. Part-time study lasts for six to eight years.
For further information, please consult the University's prospectus for full details and how to apply.
Course content
The Centre is able to accommodate doctoral research in a wide variety of areas within the general field of Socio-Legal Studies. We appreciate applications for theoretically informed empirical research, as well as more theoretical socio-legal inquiries.
You may also be interested in the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies research, current research students and notes from the field pages.
Our potential students page also covers details on funding.
If you have any further queries please see the frequently asked questions page. For any queries not covered in those pages, please contact Professor Fernanda Pirie, the Director of Graduate Studies for the Centre.
Centre for Social-Legal Studies

Read more about the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies in the Faculty of Law.