Supakorn Wilartratsami

Supakorn is a first-year DPhil student at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. Under the supervision of Dr Nicole Stremlau, Supakorn's research will examine the legal framework for asylum in Thailand (or the lack thereof). More specifically, he is currently interested in the implementation of Thailand's new National Screening Mechanism, first implemented in late 2023, and how this new mechanism shifts the legal consciousness of various actors within Thailand's refugee ecosystem.
Supakorn holds a bachelor's degree in law from Thammasat University and a Magister Juris degree from the University of Oxford. Prior to commencing his DPhil, he interned at Linklaters (Bangkok), UNHCR's Bangkok Office, the Thailand Institute of Justice, and the Permanent Court of Arbitration's Hanoi Office.
Apart from his direct research interest, Supakorn is generally interested in public law, the role of the national discourse in the Thai legal system and society, and how legal education shapes a nation's legal consciousness. He also enjoys spending time outdoors on a warm, sunny day.