Mihir Rajamane
Mihir is reading for a DPhil in Socio-Legal Studies. His doctoral research project looks at gender and the law as co-constitutive institutions, through a particular focus on transgender identity and practices in South India vis-a-vis the law on affirmative action. Broadly, he reads and writes about queer-feminist legal theory, critical approaches to law, law and society, constitutionalism, equality and judicial systems.
He holds a BA in Jurisprudence from the University of Oxford, where he was awarded the Law Faculty Prize for Feminist Perspectives in Law and a Demy-Scholarship by Magdalen College. He also holds an LLM in Transnational Law from King's College London, and was awarded the Best student in Transnational Law as well as Best dissertation in Transnational Law. During both, he has taken up various roles for student community, outreach and access and teaching, and had success in mooting. Between his studies, he spent a year working as a junior researcher and legal journalist in Bangalore, India.
He has presented papers at various conferences, including the Courts and Constitution Conference 2022, Transform: National Conference on Transgender Rights and the Law 2022 and the RHUL Symposium on Diversity in the Indian Judiciary and Legal Profession 2024. He has also written for various web platforms including the Oxford Human Rights Hub blog, Doing Sociology, The Quint, News9, The Leaflet and the Supreme Court Observer.