Sir Jeremy Lever Lecture 2018 - 'Mutual recognition and individual rights: the golden mean between blind trust and inadequate trust'
Sir Jeremy Lever Lecture 2018 - 'Mutual recognition and individual rights: the golden mean between blind trust and inadequate trust'
Law, Language and the Printing Press in the Reign of Charles I: Explaining the Printing of the Common Law in English
Law, Language and the Printing Press in the Reign of Charles I: Explaining the Printing of the Common Law in English
Mobile Indigenous Peoples Use of the 2006 Forest Rights Act in India: Access to Justice, Gender Equality, and Forest Governance
Mobile Indigenous Peoples Use of the 2006 Forest Rights Act in India: Access to Justice, Gender Equality, and Forest Governance
Courts in Conflict: Interpreting the Layers of Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda, Oxford University Press, 2015
Courts in Conflict: Interpreting the Layers of Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda, Oxford University Press, 2015