Sir Jeremy Lever Lecture 2018 - 'Mutual recognition and individual rights: the golden mean between blind trust and inadequate trust'
The seventh annual Sir Jeremy Lever Lecture will be held at 17:00 on Friday 23 February 2017 at the Gulbenkian Lecture Theatre, St Cross Building, University of Oxford, OX1 3UL. All are welcome to attend, and the lecture is free.
This year’s lecturer will be Eleanor V. E. Sharpston, QC, The UK Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Communities, on the topic of 'Mutual recognition and individual rights: the golden mean between blind trust and inadequate trust'.
Eleanor Sharpston

Born 1955; studied economics, languages and law at King’s College, Cambridge (1973-77); university teaching and research at Corpus Christi College, Oxford (1977-80); called to the Bar (Middle Temple, 1980); Barrister (1980-87 and 1990-2005); Legal Secretary in the Chambers of Advocate General, subsequently Judge, Sir Gordon Slynn (1987-90); Lecturer in EC and comparative law (Director of European Legal Studies) at University College London (1990-92); Lecturer in the Faculty of Law (1992-98), and subsequently Affiliated Lecturer (1998-2005), at the University of Cambridge; Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge (1992-2010); Emeritus Fellow (2011 - ); Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Legal Studies of the University of Cambridge (1998-2005); Queen’s Counsel (1999); Bencher of Middle Temple (2005); Honorary Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford (2010); LL.D (h.c.) Glasgow (2010), Nottingham Trent (2011) and Stockholm (2014); Advocate General at the Court of Justice from 11 January 2006.
Philip Moser QC of Monckton Chambers will take the chair.