The ICO’s AI auditing framework: achieving data protection-compliance when using artificial intelligence
The ICO’s AI auditing framework: achieving data protection-compliance when using artificial intelligence
Ignorance of the Law Cannot Excuse: on the Externality of Law and the Ascription of Legal Responsibility
Ignorance of the Law Cannot Excuse: on the Externality of Law and the Ascription of Legal Responsibility
‘Revenge porn’ is not ‘intending to cause harm’ - Image-based sexual abuse and the justified criminal law: limiting the right to free speech to protect the right to privacy
‘Revenge porn’ is not ‘intending to cause harm’ - Image-based sexual abuse and the justified criminal law: limiting the right to free speech to protect the right to privacy
Book Launch: ‘Transitional Justice in Latin America: The Uneven Road from Impunity towards Accountability’ (Routledge, 2016)
Book Launch: ‘Transitional Justice in Latin America: The Uneven Road from Impunity towards Accountability’ (Routledge, 2016)
CANCELLED: Claiming in Contract for Wrongful Conception: Mistakes and Missed Opportunities in ARB v Hammersmith IVF (2019)
CANCELLED: Claiming in Contract for Wrongful Conception: Mistakes and Missed Opportunities in ARB v Hammersmith IVF (2019)
As California goes, so goes the nation? Board gender quotas and shareholders’ distaste of government interventions
As California goes, so goes the nation? Board gender quotas and shareholders’ distaste of government interventions
The Application of International Law to States’ Cyber Operations below the Use of Force: sovereignty and non-intervention
The Application of International Law to States’ Cyber Operations below the Use of Force: sovereignty and non-intervention
How to Have the Last Word: Some Thoughts Toward Renewed and Proper Use of Canada’s Notwithstanding Clause
How to Have the Last Word: Some Thoughts Toward Renewed and Proper Use of Canada’s Notwithstanding Clause