The protection of investors in financial markets by the law of unfair contract terms: should investors be treated as consumers?
The protection of investors in financial markets by the law of unfair contract terms: should investors be treated as consumers?
‘Battling for (In)justice: Resurgent Authoritarianism, Ongoing Conflict, and Transitional Justice in the Arab Region’
‘Battling for (In)justice: Resurgent Authoritarianism, Ongoing Conflict, and Transitional Justice in the Arab Region’
The Youard Lecture in Legal History: ‘Legality, Liberty, and Oppression in Post-Revolutionary England, 1689-1760’
The Youard Lecture in Legal History: ‘Legality, Liberty, and Oppression in Post-Revolutionary England, 1689-1760’
Seminar Series on the Global Dimension of Competition Law Enforcement: International Cooperation and Friction
Seminar Series on the Global Dimension of Competition Law Enforcement: International Cooperation and Friction
Regulating The Public’s Right to be Holistically Informed: The News Media’s Reportage of the 2014 Ebola Epidemic, Presentation by Mary-Jean Nleya
Regulating The Public’s Right to be Holistically Informed: The News Media’s Reportage of the 2014 Ebola Epidemic, Presentation by Mary-Jean Nleya
“[T]ime is Not to Run [...] in Favour of the Thief – or Should It?" A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of the Passage of Time on Proprietary Claims to Stolen Chattels
“[T]ime is Not to Run [...] in Favour of the Thief – or Should It?" A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of the Passage of Time on Proprietary Claims to Stolen Chattels