Sexual violence and the boundaries of the nation: formulating anti-racist feminist responses to violence against women within ethnic minority communities
Sexual violence and the boundaries of the nation: formulating anti-racist feminist responses to violence against women within ethnic minority communities
How do doctors decide when to talk about emergency treatment planning? Findings from the ReSPECT Evaluation Study
How do doctors decide when to talk about emergency treatment planning? Findings from the ReSPECT Evaluation Study
Who is Responsible for the Ambiguity of International Sports Regulations? Case Study of WADA vs SunYang & FINA (CAS2019/A/6148)
Who is Responsible for the Ambiguity of International Sports Regulations? Case Study of WADA vs SunYang & FINA (CAS2019/A/6148)
CONFERENCE: Justice for Transnational Human Rights Violations - At the Crossroads of Litigation, Policy and Scholarship
CONFERENCE: Justice for Transnational Human Rights Violations - At the Crossroads of Litigation, Policy and Scholarship