Form and Substance in the Determination of Property Rights: Set-off, Flawed Assets and Security Interests in Cash Deposits
Form and Substance in the Determination of Property Rights: Set-off, Flawed Assets and Security Interests in Cash Deposits
Cross-Border Insolvencies and Security Rights in Rem: the state of the Art and Proposals for Better Regulation
Cross-Border Insolvencies and Security Rights in Rem: the state of the Art and Proposals for Better Regulation
Governing migration through death in Europe and the US: Identification, burial and the crisis of modern humanism
Governing migration through death in Europe and the US: Identification, burial and the crisis of modern humanism
The Judicialization of Politics as a Matter of EU Law? From the Protection of the Individual Towards the Management of Conflict
The Judicialization of Politics as a Matter of EU Law? From the Protection of the Individual Towards the Management of Conflict
Errol Lord - Of Soulmates and Expected Children: How To Be a Romantic Kantian about the Ethics of Love
Errol Lord - Of Soulmates and Expected Children: How To Be a Romantic Kantian about the Ethics of Love