William Twining in Conversation with David Sugarman
William Twining discusses his intellectual memoir, Jurist in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2019), in conversation with David Sugarman.

Chair: Professor Carl Stychin, Director, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.
William Twining FBA, Hon. QC. and Quain Professor of Jurisprudence Emeritus at UCL, is well-known internationally as a distinctive voice in Jurisprudence and academic law, as a leader of the Law in Context Movement, and for influential contributions to Legal Education, Evidence, and Globalisation and Law.
David Sugarman F.R.Hist.S., Professor of Law Emeritus at Lancaster University and Senior Associate Research Fellow at IALS, is well known internationally for his writing on law-in-history and legal education, and his interviews with leading jurists.
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