OxonCourts 1st Judicial Studies Graduate Colloquium

Event date
1 March 2019
Event time
10:00 - 17:15
Oxford week
Florey Room Wolfson College
Various Speakers

The Programme

10.00–10.30 Registration and Coffee
10.30–10.40 Opening Remarks by Sir Tim Hitchens, President of Wolfson College

10.40–12.20 Panel 1 – Judicial Roles and Their Normative Implications

Andras Gal (CEU): Consensus or Constitution? A Conceptual Perspective on the Legitimacy of Constitutional Courts in Consociations

José M. Reis (Hamburg):  Opening Up International Adjudication: Mapping Procedural Transparency in International Disputes

Carolina Alves das Chagas (Graz):  Framing Legitimate Judicial Avoidance: On the Normativity of Deciding Not to Decide

Kristine Avram (Marburg):  Different Stories of the Past in Post-Communist Romania: Legal and Societal Perspectives on Former Prison Commander Alexandru Vişinescu

12.20–13.20 Lunch in Hall­

13.20–15.00 Panel 2 – Quantitative Approaches to Judicial Behaviour

Sara Razai (UCL):  Understanding the Role and Political Significance of Judges in the Arab Middle East: An Empirical and Interdisciplinary Study

Tilko Swalve (Mannheim):  Primus Inter Pares? Task and Social Leadership at the German Federal Court

Lewis Graham (Cambridge):  Individual Judicial Behaviour on the United Kingdom Supreme Court

Philipp Schroeder (UCL):  Rights Under Pressure: Political Constraints on Constitutional Review

15.00–15.30 Coffee

15.30–17.10 Panel 3 – Legal Mobilization and Rights

Mohamed R. Abdelsalam (SciencesPo): The Role of Judges in Defining Islamic Constitutional Obligation in the Egyptian Legal System

Heather Swadley (UPenn):  From Civil Rights to the Courts: The Judicial Politics of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Virginia Passalacqua (EUI):  From the EU With Love: The Mobilization of EU Free Movement Law in Defence of Marriage Migration in the UK

Jonas von Hoffmann (Oxford):  Legal Marijuana Through Legal Mobilization in Mexico

Organizers: Filip Bubenheimer, Šimon Drugda, Etienne Hanelt

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This event is generously supported by Wolfson College and the Early Career Network of the Political Studies Association.

Found within

Socio-Legal Studies