University of Oxford Careers Fair
Oxford Careers Fair Saturday 14th October, 11-2.30pm, Exam Schools
For any of you who do not wish to pursue careers in the legal sector after Oxford and who might be looking for alternative options please read on!
At this fair you will have the chance to meet 50+ employers covering business, education, charity and the public sector. You will be able to find out about the many and varied opportunities they have for graduates of all disciplines.
If you are a little overwhelmed by all of these options, then be sure to pop along to one of our talks which will run during the day. They will cover:
- “Getting Started with Your Career”
- “Business Career Alternatives to Management Consultancy”
- “Internships and Work Experience”
- “Making a Difference – Graduate Schemes and Careers with Social Impact”
And of course, many of the Careers Advisers will be available during the day for a friendly chat so that you can find out about all the careers support that there is here for you in Oxford
This isn’t just about jobs in Oxford, but it is just for Oxford students and alumni!
To find out more:
Download our app – ‘Oxford University Careers Fair‘ – to navigate our larger fairs. This free app lets you:
- Read all about the recruiters attending each fair
- Filter organisations by sector, to make your own list of attendees
- See where they are on the floorplan, and plan your fair strategy
- Star the ones you particularly want to meet!
Download the app for free now from your app store: it’s available on iTunes and Google Play!
Alternatively, download our fair booklet here