Conference: Link between liberalism and constitutionalism in Latin America

Event date
28 August 2021
Event time
21:00 - 22:45
Oxford week
MT -6
Roberto Gargarella - Jaime Zelada - Luis D. Fernández - Daniel Sabsay
Brief description. During the present opportunity we seek to build a historical description of the importance of philosophical and political liberalism in the legal configuration of constitutional systems in Latin America. For that reason we will have a panel of world-class experts. The event is free Participants: Jaime Zelada: Lawyer, Doctor of Law, Economist and Doctor of Philosophy from the prestigious Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Professor of the Constitutional Law Chair at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Doctoral professor at the famous university. He has made numerous publications between books, newspaper articles, etc. Luis David Fernandez Zambrano: Past Professor of the Chair of Introduction to the Philosophy of Law for the academic community of the New York University School of Law (2021) and the general public. . He has taken some subjects taught by the University of Munich (Germany) and the University of Oxford (UK). He was a professor at the age of 21 in the Postgraduate area of ​​the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). He has also been a lecturer at the Argentine Association of Philosophy of Law (AAFD) and a lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires. He has held colloquia and debates with various academics from around the world, including the Nobel Peace Prize that responds to the name of Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, the North American linguist Noam Chomsky, the writer Javier Suárez Trejo (Doctor of Literature by Harvard University) among others. To date, he has published 12 books on philosophy and law. Roberto Gargarella: Roberto Gargarella is a lawyer and sociologist from the University of Buenos Aires and a Doctor of Law from the same university and from the University of Chicago (USA), with postdoctoral studies at Balliol College of the University of Oxford (United Kingdom). He is a professor of Constitutional Theory and Political Philosophy at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and of Constitutional Law at the University of Buenos Aires. He has been a visiting professor or researcher at the Universities of Bergen and Oslo (Norway), Pompeu Fabra (Spain), New York, Columbia, New School and Harvard (United States). Daniel Sabsay: Lawyer - University of Buenos Aires. Postgraduate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris II, France. He is a professor of Constitutional Law at the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires, being Director of the Postgraduate Program in Constitutional Law at the aforementioned University of Buenos Aires. . Professor of Postgraduate Law at the Universities of Buenos Aires, Austral. Torcuato Di Tella, among others. Visiting professor at the Robert Schuman University of Strasbourg, France, the University of Texas, in Austin, USA and the International University of Andalusia, Spain. - University of Chicago- Major National University of San Marcos-University of Paris II-University of Buenos Aires.

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