Ethical Issues in Tax Practice Elective The Ethical Issues in Tax Practice course focuses on some of the ethical issues that arise for those involved in the tax world, whether as tax advisors, in-house tax counsel,...
Ethical Issues in Tax Practice Elective The Ethical Issues in Tax Practice course focuses on some of the ethical issues that arise for those involved in the tax world, whether as tax advisors, in-house tax counsel,...
Comparative Constitutional Law This course critically examines the legal structure of constitutions in comparative perspective. It focuses on the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Germany, and students will be expected to...
Comparative Constitutional Law This course critically examines the legal structure of constitutions in comparative perspective. It focuses on the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Germany, and students will be expected to...
Legal Concepts in Financial Law The purpose of this course is to explore the most significant legal concepts and private law issues encountered in commercial finance and in commercial and investment banking. This is particularly...
Legal Concepts in Financial Law The purpose of this course is to explore the most significant legal concepts and private law issues encountered in commercial finance and in commercial and investment banking. This is particularly...
Private Equity & Debt More details to follow.Available as a finance elective as part of the MLF programme's 'Finance Stream'....
Private Equity & Debt More details to follow.Available as a finance elective as part of the MLF programme's 'Finance Stream'....
Civilian Foundations of Contract Law The purpose of the course is to study the Civilian Law of Contracts, particularly the Law of Sale, as it developed from ca. 1100 AD till the end of the...
Civilian Foundations of Contract Law The purpose of the course is to study the Civilian Law of Contracts, particularly the Law of Sale, as it developed from ca. 1100 AD till the end of the...
Quantitative Analysis for Social Sciences Dr Katrin Mueller-JohnsonThis course is designed for students who want to learn quantitative analysis techniques for use in criminological contexts. Students will learn both basic statistical concepts and how to...
Quantitative Analysis for Social Sciences Dr Katrin Mueller-JohnsonThis course is designed for students who want to learn quantitative analysis techniques for use in criminological contexts. Students will learn both basic statistical concepts and how to...
Investing in Public Equity (formerly known as Asset Management)More details to follow.Available as a finance elective as part of the MLF programme's Finance Stream....
Investing in Public Equity (formerly known as Asset Management)More details to follow.Available as a finance elective as part of the MLF programme's Finance Stream....
Dissertation - BCL/MJur/MLF A BCL, MJur or MLF student can offer a dissertation, in lieu of one law option. The dissertation must be written in English. It must not exceed 12,500 words which...
Dissertation - BCL/MJur/MLF A BCL, MJur or MLF student can offer a dissertation, in lieu of one law option. The dissertation must be written in English. It must not exceed 12,500 words which...
Transnational Commercial Law With the growth of international trade has come a growing recognition of the benefits to be obtained through the harmonization of international trade law. Transnational commercial law consists of that...
Transnational Commercial Law With the growth of international trade has come a growing recognition of the benefits to be obtained through the harmonization of international trade law. Transnational commercial law consists of that...
Tax and Public Policy ElectiveThe Tax and Public Policy course provides students with the essential tools to assess tax policy, with a particular emphasis on economic analysis. After discussing where economic analysis fits in...
Tax and Public Policy ElectiveThe Tax and Public Policy course provides students with the essential tools to assess tax policy, with a particular emphasis on economic analysis. After discussing where economic analysis fits in...
Comparative Corporate Tax ElectiveThe Comparative Corporate Tax course considers the basic elements of corporate tax systems in a structural setting. The focus is on three artificialities that arise from the nature of a...
Comparative Corporate Tax ElectiveThe Comparative Corporate Tax course considers the basic elements of corporate tax systems in a structural setting. The focus is on three artificialities that arise from the nature of a...
Principles of International Taxation Core Course The Principles of International Taxation core course introduces students to international taxation. It is also a foundation course for subsequent international tax courses. The course includes the following topics: Introduction to...
Principles of International Taxation Core Course The Principles of International Taxation core course introduces students to international taxation. It is also a foundation course for subsequent international tax courses. The course includes the following topics: Introduction to...
Tax and Accounting Elective The Tax and Accounting course will explore the relationship between accounting and taxation. The course objective is to gain a basic understanding of accounting fundamentals and their role in...
Tax and Accounting Elective The Tax and Accounting course will explore the relationship between accounting and taxation. The course objective is to gain a basic understanding of accounting fundamentals and their role in...
Environmental Law This course is an introduction to the subject of environmental law and covers the main areas of substantive UK (with the focus on England) and – as far as applicable...
Environmental Law This course is an introduction to the subject of environmental law and covers the main areas of substantive UK (with the focus on England) and – as far as applicable...
Liza Schuster Liza researches different stages of the migration process, in particular the European regimes governing asylum, entry and deportation, as well as the impact of deportation on those deported and their...
Liza Schuster Liza researches different stages of the migration process, in particular the European regimes governing asylum, entry and deportation, as well as the impact of deportation on those deported and their...
Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag is a lawyer, Director of research at Inserm (French Institute for Health and Medical Research) in health law and bioethics. She is the leader of a multidisciplinary team,...
Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag is a lawyer, Director of research at Inserm (French Institute for Health and Medical Research) in health law and bioethics. She is the leader of a multidisciplinary team,...
Tim Metcalfe Tim Metcalfe is a part-time DPhil student researching issues of institutional behaviour and legitimacy within policing. He is supervised by Professor Ian Loader. Tim joined the Centre for Criminology in...
Tim Metcalfe Tim Metcalfe is a part-time DPhil student researching issues of institutional behaviour and legitimacy within policing. He is supervised by Professor Ian Loader. Tim joined the Centre for Criminology in...
Philippa Kemp Philippa Kemp is a Law Lecturer at St Catherine's College and St Anne's College. She is also reading for a DPhil in Law at Lady Margaret Hall under the supervision...
Philippa Kemp Philippa Kemp is a Law Lecturer at St Catherine's College and St Anne's College. She is also reading for a DPhil in Law at Lady Margaret Hall under the supervision...
Raquel Vázquez Llorente Raquel Vázquez Llorente is a Senior Legal Advisor at eyeWitness, an organisation set up by the International Bar Association that works at the intersection of technology and international justice. eyeWitness...
Raquel Vázquez Llorente Raquel Vázquez Llorente is a Senior Legal Advisor at eyeWitness, an organisation set up by the International Bar Association that works at the intersection of technology and international justice. eyeWitness...
Villy de Luca Villy de Luca is a UK qualified lawyer now working in London as Head of High Touch Trading and Syndicate (EMEA) at Squarepoint Capital LLC, one of the world’s leading...
Villy de Luca Villy de Luca is a UK qualified lawyer now working in London as Head of High Touch Trading and Syndicate (EMEA) at Squarepoint Capital LLC, one of the world’s leading...
Lee Bygrave Lee A. Bygrave Lee A. Bygrave is a full professor at the Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL), attached to the Department of Private Law, University of...
Lee Bygrave Lee A. Bygrave Lee A. Bygrave is a full professor at the Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL), attached to the Department of Private Law, University of...
Muhammad Rifky Wicaksono Rifky is a DPhil candidate at the Faculty of Law, a researcher at Oxford's Centre for Competition Law and Policy, and a member of Wolfson College. His doctoral research, supervised...
Muhammad Rifky Wicaksono Rifky is a DPhil candidate at the Faculty of Law, a researcher at Oxford's Centre for Competition Law and Policy, and a member of Wolfson College. His doctoral research, supervised...