Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag

Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag is a lawyer, Director of research at Inserm (French Institute for Health and Medical Research) in health law and bioethics. She is the leader of a multidisciplinary team, BIOETHICS - BIOethics Exploring Trajectories of Health Innovations Challenging Society, at the Inserm/Paul Sabatier University 1027 Unit in Toulouse. She is an Associate lecturer in bio-law and bioethics at the Faculty of Medicine of Toulouse (Purpan). She is involved in several research projects at National, European and International level, on the topics of biobanking, personal health data protection, innovative therapies, biomedical research involving human beings and vulnerable individuals (minors), genetic testing and Big Data. She was the coordinator of the EUCelLEX project (FP7 2013-2016, Cell-based regenerative medicine new challenges for EU legislation and governance, GA 601806, https://www.eucellex.eu/). She is leading the new UNESCO Chair “Ethics, Science and Society” (https://chairee2s.hypotheses.org/).