Criminal Law (Senior Status) The course is not available for those who have taken the subject in Law Moderations and is intended for those who have transferred to Law after Mods, and for senior...
Criminal Law (Senior Status) The course is not available for those who have taken the subject in Law Moderations and is intended for those who have transferred to Law after Mods, and for senior...
Victims Prof Carolyn Hoyle and Dr Estelle Zinsstag This course will examine the development of victimology and, in particular, the developing role of victims within the criminal process, in the UK...
Victims Prof Carolyn Hoyle and Dr Estelle Zinsstag This course will examine the development of victimology and, in particular, the developing role of victims within the criminal process, in the UK...
Competition Law and Policy The aim of the course is to enable students to critically reflect upon the core principles and policies at the heart of competition law. In particular, to understand how the...
Competition Law and Policy The aim of the course is to enable students to critically reflect upon the core principles and policies at the heart of competition law. In particular, to understand how the...
Transfer Pricing ElectiveProblems in transfer pricing and profit attribution.The Transfer Pricing course is concerned with the arm’s length principle and its application in the form of transfer pricing and profit attribution rules....
Transfer Pricing ElectiveProblems in transfer pricing and profit attribution.The Transfer Pricing course is concerned with the arm’s length principle and its application in the form of transfer pricing and profit attribution rules....
Criminal Law (Mods) The course deals with the following: (i) General principles of criminal liability: actus reus and mens rea, omissions, causation, negligence, strict liability, complicity and inchoate offences. (ii) General defences. (iii)...
Criminal Law (Mods) The course deals with the following: (i) General principles of criminal liability: actus reus and mens rea, omissions, causation, negligence, strict liability, complicity and inchoate offences. (ii) General defences. (iii)...
Investing in Private Markets More details to follow.Available as a finance elective as part of the programme's 'Finance Stream'....
Investing in Private Markets More details to follow.Available as a finance elective as part of the programme's 'Finance Stream'....
UK Taxation of Global Wealth The UK Taxation of Global Wealth course examines UK tax and related issues from the perspective of wealthy families and individuals who are either resident in the UK (even if...
UK Taxation of Global Wealth The UK Taxation of Global Wealth course examines UK tax and related issues from the perspective of wealthy families and individuals who are either resident in the UK (even if...
Land Law The focus of attention within the course is on interests in land: interests which do not merely operate not merely between the parties to a particular transaction involving the land,...
Land Law The focus of attention within the course is on interests in land: interests which do not merely operate not merely between the parties to a particular transaction involving the land,...
Youth Justice Prof Rachel Condry and Dr Estelle ZinsstagThe aim of this course is to provide students with a critical and advanced understanding of youth justice. The competing aims, principles, and strategies...
Youth Justice Prof Rachel Condry and Dr Estelle ZinsstagThe aim of this course is to provide students with a critical and advanced understanding of youth justice. The competing aims, principles, and strategies...
Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights Intellectual property is the field of law which protects valuable intangibles. It does so by recognizing property rights in cultural, innovative and informational subject matter. As we enter the Fourth...
Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights Intellectual property is the field of law which protects valuable intangibles. It does so by recognizing property rights in cultural, innovative and informational subject matter. As we enter the Fourth...
Jurisprudence Jurisprudence is one of the compulsory standard subjects within the Final Honour School syllabus. It is, however, taught and examined in a distinctive way (see below).Jurisprudence, in the sense relevant...
Jurisprudence Jurisprudence is one of the compulsory standard subjects within the Final Honour School syllabus. It is, however, taught and examined in a distinctive way (see below).Jurisprudence, in the sense relevant...
Principles of Civil Procedure The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the fundamental principles of Civil Procedure. These principles are not specific to England but are common to all advanced systems...
Principles of Civil Procedure The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the fundamental principles of Civil Procedure. These principles are not specific to England but are common to all advanced systems...
Tax Research Round Table Core CourseThe Tax Research Round Table core course will expose students to emerging ideas in the taxation field. Lecturers will be drawn from Oxford University, including non-tax faculty who will...
Tax Research Round Table Core CourseThe Tax Research Round Table core course will expose students to emerging ideas in the taxation field. Lecturers will be drawn from Oxford University, including non-tax faculty who will...
Commercial Law Part of the fascination of commercial law springs from its responsiveness to the changing needs of the business community. Through the ingenuity of those in business and their legal advisers...
Commercial Law Part of the fascination of commercial law springs from its responsiveness to the changing needs of the business community. Through the ingenuity of those in business and their legal advisers...
Modern Legal History This course examines the modern development of English law and the common-law tradition across three periods: the “long eighteenth century” (1688-1830s), the Victorian era (1830s-1900) and the early 20th century...
Modern Legal History This course examines the modern development of English law and the common-law tradition across three periods: the “long eighteenth century” (1688-1830s), the Victorian era (1830s-1900) and the early 20th century...
Comparative Copyright This half-option provides a comparative analysis of copyright law across the laws of the UK, the EU (with a particular focus on France and Germany) and the United States. These...
Comparative Copyright This half-option provides a comparative analysis of copyright law across the laws of the UK, the EU (with a particular focus on France and Germany) and the United States. These...
Competition Law The objective of the course is to provide students with an understanding of this area of law, together with the ability to subject it to critical legal and economic analysis....
Competition Law The objective of the course is to provide students with an understanding of this area of law, together with the ability to subject it to critical legal and economic analysis....
Capital Raising and Finance This course examines the role of capital raising for entrepreneurs, investors and companies by analysing theory, using cases and financial modelling, hearing from a range of visiting practitioner speakers and...
Capital Raising and Finance This course examines the role of capital raising for entrepreneurs, investors and companies by analysing theory, using cases and financial modelling, hearing from a range of visiting practitioner speakers and...
Tax and Human Rights The Tax and Human Rights course examines tax issues from a human rights perspective. The course is divided into two. In the first – and main – part, the course...
Tax and Human Rights The Tax and Human Rights course examines tax issues from a human rights perspective. The course is divided into two. In the first – and main – part, the course...
International Trade This course takes as its subject matter a sale of goods by a seller in one country to a buyer in another, and examines the contractual relations between various parties...
International Trade This course takes as its subject matter a sale of goods by a seller in one country to a buyer in another, and examines the contractual relations between various parties...
Rereading Classic Texts in Tax Law and Policy Elective The Rereading Classic Texts in Tax Law & Policy course will explore issues of topical importance in the field of taxation. The content will vary from year-to-year, and the course...
Rereading Classic Texts in Tax Law and Policy Elective The Rereading Classic Texts in Tax Law & Policy course will explore issues of topical importance in the field of taxation. The content will vary from year-to-year, and the course...
First Principles of Financial Economics This class builds the conceptual foundation required for the economic analysis of corporate financial policy, competitive asset markets and the regulation of both corporations and financial markets. The course's lectures...
First Principles of Financial Economics This class builds the conceptual foundation required for the economic analysis of corporate financial policy, competitive asset markets and the regulation of both corporations and financial markets. The course's lectures...
Constitutionalism in Asia This course is the study of constitutionalism in Asia from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. It has three features:First, the course examines a variety of constitutionalism in Asia: liberal (e.g.,...
Constitutionalism in Asia This course is the study of constitutionalism in Asia from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. It has three features:First, the course examines a variety of constitutionalism in Asia: liberal (e.g.,...
Advanced Criminal Law Advanced Criminal Law provides students with an opportunity to return to and learn more about the criminal law that they studied for Mods. The idea behind this course is that...
Advanced Criminal Law Advanced Criminal Law provides students with an opportunity to return to and learn more about the criminal law that they studied for Mods. The idea behind this course is that...
Qualitative Methods Prof Mary Bosworth and Dr Estelle ZinsstagThis course introduces students to different methods of qualitative inquiry, data gathering, analysis and reporting. We will consider when the use of qualitative...
Qualitative Methods Prof Mary Bosworth and Dr Estelle ZinsstagThis course introduces students to different methods of qualitative inquiry, data gathering, analysis and reporting. We will consider when the use of qualitative...