Core Course IV - Communication Skills for Criminologists
Prof Carolyn Hoyle
This course runs through weeks 1-6 of Trinity term but organisation will start in Hilary Term when we will meet to assign students their roles so that planning can begin in good time. At this meeting, five students will have the opportunity to volunteer to host the seminars. These students will be expected to consult with the MSc cohort for ideas on topics or themes to be covered in the seminars and possible speakers, so that the seminar series reflects the interests of the wider group. Once the speakers have been approved by the Convenor, the hosts will invite the speakers and liaise with them in advance of the TT seminars, and then host the seminars (all under the guidance of the Convenor).
During the seminars in Trinity Term, 3 students will act as respondents at the end of the presentation, giving brief (5 minute) responses to the paper, before opening the floor to questions, and one further student will write a short piece on the presentation for the Centre blog. By the end of the 5 weeks all of the MSc cohort should have had the chance to take on one of these ‘communication’ roles.
During Week 6, the cohort will work together to organise a two-day conference at which each MSc student will make a short presentation on their dissertation topic (work in progress), and other students will be expected to ask questions and make helpful comments. The presenters will also receive feedback on their communication and presentation skills from the convenor.