Dissertation FHS This course aims to help develop and foster students’ research skills, and deepen their expertise and insight through close study and analysis of a chosen legal theme or issue.The dissertation...
Dissertation FHS This course aims to help develop and foster students’ research skills, and deepen their expertise and insight through close study and analysis of a chosen legal theme or issue.The dissertation...
Law and Economics of Corporate Transactions (LECT) The Law and Economics of Corporate Transactions (LECT) course is the interdisciplinary course that acts as the fulcrum for the entire MLF degree. LECT uses the tools of conventional microeconomic...
Law and Economics of Corporate Transactions (LECT) The Law and Economics of Corporate Transactions (LECT) course is the interdisciplinary course that acts as the fulcrum for the entire MLF degree. LECT uses the tools of conventional microeconomic...
Theorising Punishment Profs Mary Bosworth, Ian Loader and Lucia ZednerThis course examines key texts on punishment, each of which takes a different approach to the role, nature and effect of punishment. ...
Theorising Punishment Profs Mary Bosworth, Ian Loader and Lucia ZednerThis course examines key texts on punishment, each of which takes a different approach to the role, nature and effect of punishment. ...
Death Penalty Prof Carolyn Hoyle This course provides students with a good understanding of the scope and practice of capital punishment and the movement - backed by international organizations and human rights...
Death Penalty Prof Carolyn Hoyle This course provides students with a good understanding of the scope and practice of capital punishment and the movement - backed by international organizations and human rights...
Current Issues in Taxation ElectiveThe Current Issues in Taxation course will explore issues of topical importance in the field of taxation. The content will vary from year-to-year, and the course will be taught primarily...
Current Issues in Taxation ElectiveThe Current Issues in Taxation course will explore issues of topical importance in the field of taxation. The content will vary from year-to-year, and the course will be taught primarily...
Trusts The institution of the Trust is one of the most important ideas in English law. Its very definition is heavily contested, but most would agree that a trust arises where...
Trusts The institution of the Trust is one of the most important ideas in English law. Its very definition is heavily contested, but most would agree that a trust arises where...
Crime and the Family Prof Rachel Condry The aim of this course is to explore the relationship between crime and one of the major institutions in society, the family. Through the analysis of empirical...
Crime and the Family Prof Rachel Condry The aim of this course is to explore the relationship between crime and one of the major institutions in society, the family. Through the analysis of empirical...
Comparative Tax Systems ElectiveThe Comparative Tax Systems course provides students with a comparative overview of the tax systems of various countries, with a view to developing a conceptual and practical understanding of the...
Comparative Tax Systems ElectiveThe Comparative Tax Systems course provides students with a comparative overview of the tax systems of various countries, with a view to developing a conceptual and practical understanding of the...
Roman Law (Delict - FHS) The Roman law option focuses on set texts from the Institutes and Digest. Its primary aim is to understand those texts and the ideas and methods of the great Roman...
Roman Law (Delict - FHS) The Roman law option focuses on set texts from the Institutes and Digest. Its primary aim is to understand those texts and the ideas and methods of the great Roman...
Dissertation - MSc Taxation Where a student can show evidence that he or she is capable of a long dissertation of 12,000 words and wishes to submit such a long dissertation, this may replace...
Dissertation - MSc Taxation Where a student can show evidence that he or she is capable of a long dissertation of 12,000 words and wishes to submit such a long dissertation, this may replace...
Personal Property The objective of this course is to provide students with an overview of the law of personal property, focusing in particular on underlying concepts and subjecting those concepts to a...
Personal Property The objective of this course is to provide students with an overview of the law of personal property, focusing in particular on underlying concepts and subjecting those concepts to a...
Cases in Finance and Investment The purpose of this course is to provide real cases and modelling experience to students in the finance areas of leverage finance, mergers & acquisitions, private equity finance (LBO and...
Cases in Finance and Investment The purpose of this course is to provide real cases and modelling experience to students in the finance areas of leverage finance, mergers & acquisitions, private equity finance (LBO and...
Trade Marks and Brands OverviewBrands are the most valuable assets owned by many companies and as consumers we inhabit brand saturated environments. Trade mark law provides the legal underpinnings for the protection of brands,...
Trade Marks and Brands OverviewBrands are the most valuable assets owned by many companies and as consumers we inhabit brand saturated environments. Trade mark law provides the legal underpinnings for the protection of brands,...
Philosophical Foundations of the Common Law This course explores the philosophical principles which may be thought to underlie the major doctrines in each of the branches of the common law with which it is concerned –...
Philosophical Foundations of the Common Law This course explores the philosophical principles which may be thought to underlie the major doctrines in each of the branches of the common law with which it is concerned –...
Tort Tort is one of the compulsory standard subjects within the Final Honour School syllabus. It also covers material in the “foundations of legal knowledge” and so must be taken by...
Tort Tort is one of the compulsory standard subjects within the Final Honour School syllabus. It also covers material in the “foundations of legal knowledge” and so must be taken by...
Public International Law There has never been a more exciting time to study Public International Law (PIL). Issues of PIL and international justice are at the forefront of public debates to a greater...
Public International Law There has never been a more exciting time to study Public International Law (PIL). Issues of PIL and international justice are at the forefront of public debates to a greater...
Corporate Insolvency Law The insolvency of a company gives rise to a number of fascinating questions. Why are formal (state-supplied) procedures needed for the treatment of distressed companies? When should such...
Corporate Insolvency Law The insolvency of a company gives rise to a number of fascinating questions. Why are formal (state-supplied) procedures needed for the treatment of distressed companies? When should such...
Politics of Crime Control Prof Ian Loader This option is an opportunity to make sense of the important shifts in the ordering of contemporary societies. Its aim is to encourage students to think politically...
Politics of Crime Control Prof Ian Loader This option is an opportunity to make sense of the important shifts in the ordering of contemporary societies. Its aim is to encourage students to think politically...
Incentivising Innovation This half-option is concerned with how the law seeks to incentivise innovation. There is an emerging awareness among intellectual property scholars that we need to stop looking at the patent...
Incentivising Innovation This half-option is concerned with how the law seeks to incentivise innovation. There is an emerging awareness among intellectual property scholars that we need to stop looking at the patent...
Private Equity There are three main objectives of the private equity course:1. To develop an understanding of the roles played by the various participants involved in private equity. The course will consider...
Private Equity There are three main objectives of the private equity course:1. To develop an understanding of the roles played by the various participants involved in private equity. The course will consider...
Risk, Security and Criminal Justice Prof Lucia ZednerRisk assessment, risk management and security are core features of contemporary criminal justice. The importance given to protecting the public by preventing harm informs law reform, public policy...
Risk, Security and Criminal Justice Prof Lucia ZednerRisk assessment, risk management and security are core features of contemporary criminal justice. The importance given to protecting the public by preventing harm informs law reform, public policy...
Roman Law (Delict) The principal aim of Roman Law (Delict) is to understand the law of delict as it was in the high classical period, of the late second and early third centuries...
Roman Law (Delict) The principal aim of Roman Law (Delict) is to understand the law of delict as it was in the high classical period, of the late second and early third centuries...
Finance Students on the Finance course study the financing, valuation and governance of firms. This course is very similar to courses of the same name that are taught on the MBA,...
Finance Students on the Finance course study the financing, valuation and governance of firms. This course is very similar to courses of the same name that are taught on the MBA,...
Constitutional Law (Senior Status) This course covers the law of the constitution, including the structure and basic principles of the British constitution, and the impact of European Union law on the constitution. It also...
Constitutional Law (Senior Status) This course covers the law of the constitution, including the structure and basic principles of the British constitution, and the impact of European Union law on the constitution. It also...
Criminal Justice, Migration and Citizenship Profs Mary Bosworth and Lucia ZednerImmigration and its control are highly charged topics in contemporary policy and politics. As those within the burgeoning field of border criminology observe, traditional distinctions...
Criminal Justice, Migration and Citizenship Profs Mary Bosworth and Lucia ZednerImmigration and its control are highly charged topics in contemporary policy and politics. As those within the burgeoning field of border criminology observe, traditional distinctions...