Researching and Hypothesizing the Influence of Individual Labour and Equality Rights in the UK: Behavioural Conflict as a Case Study
Researching and Hypothesizing the Influence of Individual Labour and Equality Rights in the UK: Behavioural Conflict as a Case Study
Session for all Master law students seeking to progress on to MPhil or DPhil in Law with a focus on Public International Law
Session for all Master law students seeking to progress on to MPhil or DPhil in Law with a focus on Public International Law
R (on the application of Friends of the Earth Ltd and others) v Heathrow Airport Ltd: A Panel Discussion
R (on the application of Friends of the Earth Ltd and others) v Heathrow Airport Ltd: A Panel Discussion
EU Competence: How the European Commission is Trespassing Member States' Exclusive Competence to Harmonise Corporate Taxation
EU Competence: How the European Commission is Trespassing Member States' Exclusive Competence to Harmonise Corporate Taxation