An empirical analysis on linkage between non-tax revenue, public expenses and corruption in transition countries
An empirical analysis on linkage between non-tax revenue, public expenses and corruption in transition countries
The Contribution of Forensic or other Expert Evidence to Wrongful Convictions in the United States: Data and Experiences from the National Registry of Exonerations
The Contribution of Forensic or other Expert Evidence to Wrongful Convictions in the United States: Data and Experiences from the National Registry of Exonerations
Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan: National Mechanisms, Positive Complementarity and Command Responsibility
Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan: National Mechanisms, Positive Complementarity and Command Responsibility
‘Speak up via WhatsApp: Understanding the life worlds of Syrian refugees and host communities in Lebanon'
‘Speak up via WhatsApp: Understanding the life worlds of Syrian refugees and host communities in Lebanon'
Directive Principle and the Expressive Accommodation of Ideological Dissenters in the Indian Constitution
Directive Principle and the Expressive Accommodation of Ideological Dissenters in the Indian Constitution
Public Interest Litigation and the Advancement of Constitutional Rights in India: An Appraisal-Dr Ashwani Kumar
Public Interest Litigation and the Advancement of Constitutional Rights in India: An Appraisal-Dr Ashwani Kumar