Morality of Compensation Workshop - Victor Tadros (Warwick), Sandy Steel (Oxford), and Diego Papayannis (Girona)
Morality of Compensation Workshop - Victor Tadros (Warwick), Sandy Steel (Oxford), and Diego Papayannis (Girona)
Ethics in AI Colloquium | We, The Robots? Regulating Artificial Intelligence and the Limits of the Law
Ethics in AI Colloquium | We, The Robots? Regulating Artificial Intelligence and the Limits of the Law
An Aide Memoire for a Balancing Act? Arguing against the ‘Balance Sheet’ Approach to Best Interests Decision-Making in Mental Capacity and Family Law
An Aide Memoire for a Balancing Act? Arguing against the ‘Balance Sheet’ Approach to Best Interests Decision-Making in Mental Capacity and Family Law
Katrien Morbee - 'A role for governance in the current prudential framework'; Jon Chan -‘The Dynamics of Rule Evolution and Stock Exchange Self-Regulation’
Katrien Morbee - 'A role for governance in the current prudential framework'; Jon Chan -‘The Dynamics of Rule Evolution and Stock Exchange Self-Regulation’