OBOR Cross-border M&A Seminar: Risk Management

Event date
8 May 2018
Event time
09:30 - 17:30
Oxford week
Wolfson College
R Patterson


After five years of continual growth of Chinese outbound mergers and acquisitions (M&A) at 33% year on year, its total value dropped by 11 % in 2017. China has tightened the approval procedure of outbound investments, and issued the Guideline on Further Guiding and Regulating Overseas Investments in August 2017. The Guidelines set out three restrictions on certain sectors of overseas investment that are meant to be encouraged, to be limited and to be prohibited, for the purpose of "healthy development." OBOR investments aiming at facilitating the integration of the new Silk Road social and economic values are most encouraged among these.

Professional experts, investors, and policymakers will join the discussion to explore how to minimise risks in cross-border M&A transactions, which is pertinent to the realisation of OBOR initiative. The issues to be discussed include:

·      Legal and regulatory compliance

·      Pre-acquisition and Post-acquisition risks

·      Lessons learned from the “unhealthy” experiences

·      The Chinese investors inclinations in relation to OBOR

·       Bridge building between UK/EU professionals and Chinese investors


       Professor Denis Galligan, the Director of Oxford OBOR

The honourable speakers:

      Dr Lijin Yan, the Chairman of Silk Road International Fund, Advisor of Oxford OBOR

      Mr Robert Patterson, Advisor of Finance and Investment of Oxford OBOR

Contact:  obor@law.ox.ac.uk

By invitation only.



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