The Sociology of International Commercial Arbitration

Event date
18 January 2018
Event time
17:30 - 18:30
Oxford week
Faculty of Law - White and Case Room
Florian Grisel
Florian Grisel is a Research Fellow at the French Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) and a Senior Lecturer in Transnational Law at King's College London. In his academic work, Florian is exploring the conditions underpinning the evolution of judicial institutions, focusing on the case of arbitral tribunals specialized in the settlement of international business and investment disputes. More specifically, his research is on the evolution of international arbitration from a dispute resolution process based on the consent of parties to a lawmaking process embedded in a larger system of transnational governance. He will present his most recent project about the sociology of international commercial arbitration on the basis of unexploited archives and data in the lecture series of the Empirical Legal Studies Discussion Group. The paper can be accessed in advance via

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