Preliminary Agreements and the Duty to Negotiate in Good Faith: Distinctive Features in the International Commercial Context
Preliminary Agreements and the Duty to Negotiate in Good Faith: Distinctive Features in the International Commercial Context
Are we all behaviouralists now?: Implications of the changing concept of the consumer for economic regulation
Are we all behaviouralists now?: Implications of the changing concept of the consumer for economic regulation
Professor Dirk Visser, Leiden Law School and advocaat with Visser Schaap & Kreijger - 'Shavers, bricks and highchair tricks? The shape of things to come in EU trade mark law?’
Professor Dirk Visser, Leiden Law School and advocaat with Visser Schaap & Kreijger - 'Shavers, bricks and highchair tricks? The shape of things to come in EU trade mark law?’
Katharina Stevens (Lethbridge): 'Setting Precedents without Making Rules? Opinion-Writing and the Rule of Law'
Katharina Stevens (Lethbridge): 'Setting Precedents without Making Rules? Opinion-Writing and the Rule of Law'