Toward a Feminist Theory of the State - FJDG with Professor Barbara Havelkova
On Tuesday, January 21st, 2020, Professor Barbara Havelkova will present on Catharine MacKinnon's Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, namely Chapters 1-4, 7, and 13, and will then lead an open discussion. The discussion will be held at the Lady Brodie Room, St. Hilda's College from 12:00 until 1:30 p.m.
About the Speaker
Professor Barbara Havelkova is currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law and Tutorial Fellow at St. Hilda's College. She previously held posts at the University of Cambridge (Emmanuel College) and Oxford (Balliol). She worked for Clifford Chance Prague, trained at the Legal Service of the European Commission and in the Chambers of AG Poiares Maduro at the Court of Justice of the European Union. She was an academic visitor at several law schools, including Harvard University and the University of Michigan as a Fulbright scholar and the Jean Monnet Center of NYU Law School as an Emile Noël Fellow. Professor Havelkova’s research and teaching interests include gender legal studies and feminist jurisprudence, equality and anti-discrimination law, constitutional law, EU law and law in post-socialist transitions. Her book, 'Gender Equality in Law: Uncovering the Legacies of Czech State Socialism', was published by Hart/Bloomsbury in June 2017.
About the Discussion Group
The Feminist Jurisprudence Discussion Group also welcomes offers to present papers or other work-in-progress to the group or to lead discussion. Please do contact one of the convenors if you are interested in talking to the group or if you have an idea for an informal discussion.
The group’s co-convenors are Sabrina Golds, Sophia Demetriou-Jones, and Stacy Topouzova, and the Group's Senior Member is Professor Barbara Havelkova.