Challenges of implementing an ethic of care in law and social policy: Sir John Hanson Memorial Lecture 2019
Challenges of implementing an ethic of care in law and social policy: Sir John Hanson Memorial Lecture 2019
Restructuring Corporate Groups under the Recast European Insolvency Regulation A Critical Assessment
Restructuring Corporate Groups under the Recast European Insolvency Regulation A Critical Assessment
Outsourcing and Oversight: How Market Regulation Failure and the Culture of Laissez Faire Led to the Exploitation of Those Who Guard Our Embassies Abroad
Outsourcing and Oversight: How Market Regulation Failure and the Culture of Laissez Faire Led to the Exploitation of Those Who Guard Our Embassies Abroad
*Cancelled due to Public Health Emergency* The Oxford PLP Colloquium with Sophie Smith and Imani Perry
*Cancelled due to Public Health Emergency* The Oxford PLP Colloquium with Sophie Smith and Imani Perry
Methodological issues in relation to legal and sociological research on sexual violence in prisons: Trying to explore the effects of unwritten rules/inmates code to the implementation of law
Methodological issues in relation to legal and sociological research on sexual violence in prisons: Trying to explore the effects of unwritten rules/inmates code to the implementation of law