Behrouz Boochani Behrouz Boochani is Adjunct Associate Professor of Social Sciences at UNSW, author and journalist was incarcerated as a political prisoner by the Australian government on Manus Island and is now...
Behrouz Boochani Behrouz Boochani is Adjunct Associate Professor of Social Sciences at UNSW, author and journalist was incarcerated as a political prisoner by the Australian government on Manus Island and is now...
Maria Adams Maria is a lecturer in Criminology at the University of Surrey. Her research interests focus on the effects of incarceration; prison life; and adopting an intersectional lens. She worked...
Maria Adams Maria is a lecturer in Criminology at the University of Surrey. Her research interests focus on the effects of incarceration; prison life; and adopting an intersectional lens. She worked...
Daniel McCarthy Dr. Daniel McCarthy is currently a Reader in Criminology at the University of Surrey. He has conducted recent research in the area of longitudinal pathways of prisoner-family attachments, as...
Daniel McCarthy Dr. Daniel McCarthy is currently a Reader in Criminology at the University of Surrey. He has conducted recent research in the area of longitudinal pathways of prisoner-family attachments, as...
Maris Köpcke I teach and write in the field of jurisprudence, broadly understood, extending to issues in criminal law, legal history, constitutional theory and comparative law.I am currently a Research Associate of...
Maris Köpcke I teach and write in the field of jurisprudence, broadly understood, extending to issues in criminal law, legal history, constitutional theory and comparative law.I am currently a Research Associate of...
Dhammika Dharmapala Dhammika Dharmapala is the Julius Kreeger Professor of Law at the University of Chicago and a guest contributor to the Oxford Business Law Blog....
Dhammika Dharmapala Dhammika Dharmapala is the Julius Kreeger Professor of Law at the University of Chicago and a guest contributor to the Oxford Business Law Blog....
Penelope Ehrhardt Penny Ehrhardt teaches on the Public International Law course as a GTA. She is convenor of the Children's and Family Law Discussion Group; Secretary of the Oxford Children's Rights Network;...
Penelope Ehrhardt Penny Ehrhardt teaches on the Public International Law course as a GTA. She is convenor of the Children's and Family Law Discussion Group; Secretary of the Oxford Children's Rights Network;...
Marieke de Hoon Marieke is on sabbatical from VU University (Amsterdam), Faculty of Law, where she teaches Public International Law. Her research profile combines international criminal law, human rights law, use of force...
Marieke de Hoon Marieke is on sabbatical from VU University (Amsterdam), Faculty of Law, where she teaches Public International Law. Her research profile combines international criminal law, human rights law, use of force...
Karina Horsti Dr. Karina Horsti is an Academy of Finland Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Cultural Policy at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä. She has been a...
Karina Horsti Dr. Karina Horsti is an Academy of Finland Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Cultural Policy at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä. She has been a...
Lord John Dyson Lord John Dyson was Master of the Rolls (President of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales and Head of Civil Justice) for four years until he retired in...
Lord John Dyson Lord John Dyson was Master of the Rolls (President of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales and Head of Civil Justice) for four years until he retired in...