Karina Horsti

Dr. Karina Horsti is an Academy of Finland Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Cultural Policy at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä. She has been a visiting scholar at New York University, London School of Economics and Political Science, and Melbourne University. Karina's background is in sociologically and anthropologically oriented media studies. She has developed a multidisciplinary profile in transnational migration research by completing research on cultural diversity media policies, nationalist populism, mediated representations of refugees and asylum seekers, deportation, memorializing migrant deaths at Europe’s borders, and survival of violent borders. She collaborates with artists, museums, activists, and refugees, and is inspired by multimodal and creative methodologies. Editor of The Politics of Public Memories of Forced Migration and Bordering of Europe (2019), she is also the author of forthcoming monograph on representation and memorialization of Europe’s border deaths (Cornell University Press).