Matthew Dyson

Faculty officer role(s):
I specialise in the criminal law, tort law, and the relationship between the two. My work is often historical and comparative. My publications are available in chronological order under the Publications tab of this website, but available more accessibly under the "Interests" tab. My most recent large work was a monograph, Explaining Tort and Crime, published with CUP in late 2022:
I came to the Faculty and to Corpus Christi in 2016, and in 2021 became Professor of Civil and Criminal Law. I was previously a Fellow in Law and Director of Studies at Trinity College, Cambridge (2011-2016) and Jesus College, Cambridge (2008-11). I'm also: an associate member of 6KBW College Hill, Chambers specialising in criminal law and related areas of public and civil law; a Research Fellow of the Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law and President of the European Society for Comparative Legal History. I have held visiting positions at institutions including the Universities of Paris-Dauphine, Cape Town, Iowa, Sao Paulo, Göttingen, Sydney, Notre Dame in London, and the Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Private Law, Hamburg.
If you're looking for information on publishing scholarly works, I can help with comparative legal history, private law and criminal law. I am currently on the advisory boards of Comparative Legal History, GLOSSAE and the Utrecht Law Review and the international advisory boards of the Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht, Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik, Criminal Law Forum and theRevista Electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología. Please do get in touch if you would like to discuss any aspects of them (broadly, comparative legal history, legal history, private law and criminal law).
Everyone with the necessary application, reasoning ability and communication skills should feel that Oxford is the kind of place they could study law, if they want. If you are a potential applicant, I might be fortunate enough to meet you around the country or in Oxford at an access or admissions event. To find out more about such activities in Oxford, there are more details on the Faculty's access pages, available here, and on Corpus Christi College's law pages, available here.