Mark Dsouza (UCL)  |  Matthew Dyson (Oxford, Chair)  |  Paul Jarvis (CBA)  |  Rachel Tolley Clement (Cambridge)

The Assize Seminars provide a space for cutting edge academic work to play a practical role in understanding and developing the law. They are a chance to challenge, debate and refine criminal justice, providing a bridge from academia to criminal legal practice. Just like the Assize of old, the seminars are peripatetic, in this case rotating between three leading academic institutions: Oxford, Cambridge and University College London, all with the support of the Criminal Bar Association. Each institution normally offers a speaker or commentator at each event, with the other half of the slots filled by academics, judges, practitioners, law reformers and others. Events attendance and speaker slots are open to all.

Previous events

May 2022: Hosted by the University of Cambridge.
Further information will be available here and on our sister institutions online in due course. 



May 2020: This Cambridge event was postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. However, we decided to hold it remotely, via Zoom, on Friday 20th November. The papers were recorded in advance, and comments and discussion carried out in person on the day. For more details, please see: 

16th November 2019: Full details, including videos of the presentations and the materials available: