Graduate Teaching Assistants 2024-25

Deadline for applications: noon on Monday, 1st July 2024

The Faculty of Law provides a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) programme in areas of need, as specified by the Faculty’s undergraduate Teaching Group Convenors. You can read more about the scheme on the GTA programme page.

To be eligible to apply, you must be a current research student in the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, and should have completed the Preparation for Teaching and Learning course. 

View the list of GTA positions available this year


Each GTA will be paid:

- either a half or full honorarium depending on the total hours of work (half retainer for up to 24 tutorial hours, or a full retainer for up to 48 tutorial hours);

- and can claim payment from the Faculty for any approved associated administrative work;

- and should claim payment from the relevant college(s) for any undergraduate teaching that they do. 

Please refer to our GTA programme page for the current faculty rates of pay.

We have sought to be as clear as possible in this advertisement about what work will be required of the GTA, but inevitably some hours may vary slightly from what is advertised.  Please note that all work should only be undertaken at the express request of the relevant Convenor. 

The GTA may work up to the weekly limit on paid work specified by the Faculty (8 hours per week, or a common-sense average across the year).

Duties other than college teaching

If requested by the Convenor and included in the advertisement, the GTA role may include tasks not directly connected to the GTA's own teaching, such as: answering queries from students on behalf of the Convenor, organising tutorials for other tutors, or updating the core reading list.  Such work will be agreed with the convenor at the time of appointment, including the number of hours of work, and payment will be made upon the submission of approved timesheets. 

For payroll purposes, annual leave will be assumed to be taken in the month in which it was accrued.

How to apply

Please write by e-mail to Geraldine Malloy by the deadline stated above, indicating clearly for which option(s) you wish to be considered, and outlining your suitability for the position. Please also attach a brief CV.

Although previous teaching experience will not be required, applicants should demonstrate evidence of aptitude for teaching if they are able to do so. 

Applicants must have completed the parts of the Faculty's PLTO that are available online on Canvas.  Applicants must also arrange for two referees to write directly to Geraldine Malloy by the same deadline. 

GTAs from previous years may reapply.

The selection process

Applications and references will be sent to the relevant Convenor, and eligible candidates will be interviewed by a panel, with at least two members of the teaching group.  In the event of any subject having a large number of applicants, the subject group members may draw up a shortlist and only interview the shortlisted candidates.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application as soon as possible.

On this page

GTAs for 2024-25