Tutorial Teaching: Preparation for Learning and Teaching at Oxford (PLTO)
The Preparation for Learning and Teaching at Oxford (PLTO) is designed for postgraduate research students nearing the end of their first year of research, and usually runs annually at the end of Hilary Term. It begins on the first morning with a general session for all participants on teaching Law tutorials, including some discussion of typical differences between teaching Law Moderations subjects and Final Honour School subjects. Optional sessions on teaching in various subject areas (private law, public law, jurisprudence, EU law, and international public law) follow on the first afternoon and throughout the second day. Postgraduate students who attend the general session and at least one subject area session will receive a certificate and have their name added to the Faculty's Graduate Teaching Register. Attendance is compulsory for any postgraduate students who wish to apply for a Faculty Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) position (advertised in Trinity Term for the following academic year).
The PLTO is a prerequisite for the Developing Learning and Teaching (DLT) qualification, which is available to all research students and postdocs who are currently tutoring. The DLT is recognised by all UK universities, and is required for Associate Fellow status in the Higher Education Academy.
For more information and to sign up for the PLTO, please go to the Canvas Law Teaching and Learning Resources page.