Graduate Teaching Assistantship Programme

Updated 15 May 2024

NB the 2024-25 GTA opportunities will be advertised later in Trinity Term.

About the GTA Programme

The Faculty of Law provides a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) programme in areas of need, as specified by the Faculty’s undergraduate Teaching Group Convenors.  These positions, which are for FHS options only, are competitive and applications are normally invited in Trinity Term for the following academic year. 

Opportunities are advertised on the Faculty website.  The requirements of the GTA roles can very quite significantly, in terms of the types of work and the number of hours involved, so every effort is made to be as specific as possible in the advertisement. 

To be eligible to be appointed as a GTA, students need to have attended the Preparation for Teaching and Learning at Oxford ('PLTO') course provided by the Faculty each Trinity Term.   Anyone who is not a research student in the Faculty of Law may not be appointed as a GTA and may not be paid a retainer.  (Non-students should be engaged through the Additional Teaching scheme.)

The role and the retainer

The Faculty will issue a Variable Hours Contract, and undertake a Right to Work check at the time of appointment.  Appointments usually commence in late September or early October.

GTAs may be expected to provide up to 48 hours of undergraduate tutorial teaching for colleges, and/or teaching support for the Faculty, over the course of the academic year.  They must keep their work hours (including preparation and marking) within the Paid Work Guidelines for Oxford Graduate Students.

Teaching GTAs are eligible for either a ‘half’ or ‘full’ retainer, as follows: 

0-24 hrs of teaching: retainer of £1k (+ inflation) 

25-48 hrs of teaching: retainer of £2k (+ inflation) 

Administrative work must be contained within the same envelope, based on the clock-hours equivalent of the teaching hours listed above (1 teaching hour equates to up 2.75 hours of paid work).  Thus a non-teaching GTA will receive: 

£1.1k retainer (+ inflation) payable for 0-66 faculty admin hours 

£2.2k retainer (+ inflation) payable for 67-132 faculty admin hours 


Payment for college undergraduate teaching will be paid for by the colleges at the Senior Tutors' Committee rates (from £28.06 per tutorial hour, subject to 2024 pay uplift when announced).  Colleges will also pay for collection setting and marking. 

If required by the Convenor, the GTA role may also include tasks not directly connected to the GTA's own teaching, such as: answering queries from students on behalf of the Convenor, organising tutorials for other tutors, or updating the core reading list.  Such work will be agreed at the time of appointment and payment will be made upon the submission of approved timesheets.  It will be remunerated by the Faculty at University Grade 6.1 (£16.07 per hour in 2022/23).

Compatibility with other roles in the Faculty

GTAs may, in exceptional circumstances, and with the permission of the Graduate Studies Committee, hold GTA positions in tandem with other posts as long as the total teaching hours per week is within the Paid Work Guidelines for Oxford Graduate Students.

Other notes

GTAs cannot teach BCL/MJur/Masters options.  Requests for teaching support at this level should be made via the Additional Teaching form, and requests for students to teach at this level will be treated as exceptional and will require the approval of the Planning and Resources Committee.

Enquiries about the GTA programme may be addressed to the Graduate Studies Officer, Geraldine Malloy.