Additional Teaching

Updated 17 May 2024

The gathered field for Additional Teaching 2024-25 is now open. The application form was emailed to postholders on 17 May 2024 and the deadline for applications is noon on Monday 10th June (Week 8).

Please address enquiries about Additional Teaching to Charlotte Vinnicombe.


  • All teaching by anyone other than a Law Faculty academic postholder must be applied for in advance; and
  • Work should never be undertaken without a contract or a Right to Work check having been carried out.


All of the following arrangements fall into the category of 'Additional Teaching':

  1. Replacement teaching to provide cover due to leave/sabbatical of a Faculty member
  2. Special additional teaching to enrich the course subject
  3. Any other piece rate Faculty Teaching
  4. Exceptional payment for teaching in excess of normal Faculty stint (other than BCL/MJur tutorials

See also:

5. BCL/MJur tutorials

6. Rates of pay for additional teaching

7. Other key information about additional teaching

Introductory notes

The Law Board will, in certain circumstances, authorise payments for lectures, seminars or BCL/MJur tutorials.  Applications received after the gathered field closing date will only be approved in exceptional or genuinely unforeseen circumstances.  The regulations governing such payments are given below, and the application form should be used in all cases. Please note that permission must be granted before teaching occurs.  This applies to any teaching given by anyone who is not an academic postholder (i.e. includes postdocs, college-only staff, and Visiting Professors).  Once the application is approved, a casual teaching contract is issued, a right to work check is undertaken, and the Additional Teacher is advised how to claim payment. 

It is recognised that it is often necessary or desirable to invite outside teachers to the Faculty, but Additional Teaching constitutes a significant part of the Faculty’s teaching and is a large item of expenditure, and therefore needs to be properly managed.   It is also essential to apply in advance for travel expenses if required, as these form part of the same budget and cannot be approved retrospectively.

Applications under this scheme should be made by a member of the Faculty and, if that person is not the Subject Convenor, applications must be discussed with the Subject Convenor before being submitted.

All arrangements must be renewed annually, and a short cv (or link) should be supplied for each proposed teacher.  Applications should be submitted to the Personnel Officer and queries should be addressed to her in the first instance via

Undergraduate tutorial teaching can be undertaken by graduate students through our Graduate Teaching Assistantship ('GTA') programme. 

Applications are considered by the Vice Dean in a gathered field.  You will be notified of the outcome of your application as soon as possible, and a contract or letter of engagement will be sent to the Additional Teacher before the start of next term.

1. Additional teaching to provide cover due to sabbatical leave / dispensation from teaching duties of a Faculty member

The Faculty is keen to ensure that suitable arrangements are put in place to enable colleagues to take sabbatical at a time that suits their research plans.  When Faculty members take leave they are required to complete a leave form, and are asked to confirm then whether substitute teaching will be required.  The Faculty member in question will then be asked to apply for additional teaching on the Additional Teaching application form in the normal way (i.e. submitted to

This process should also be followed for any replacement teaching needed to cover research leave, buyouts or remission for other reasons.

Payment for Jurisprudence mini-option teaching delivered by non-postholders should be claimed via TMS.

2. Special Additional teaching to enrich the course subject

If the Convenor of the relevant teaching group wishes to request additional teaching to enrich the course, this will be regarded as a lower budgetary priority than substitute/additional teaching and can only be funded from general faculty funds in exceptional circumstances.  An application must be made on the Application Form for Additional Teaching in the usual way. 

If additional teaching is being requested from an individual who works outside the University of Oxford, there are a number of administrative issues which will need to be considered before the application is made (see the section on ‘Other key information about additional teaching’ below). These are explained below.

3. Any other piece rate Faculty teaching

It is recognised that, aside from covering leave or providing enrichment teaching, some options can only be delivered if some teaching is provided by non-postholders, whether by college-only postholders, graduate students (for undergraduate teaching only), occasional speakers, etc.  An application must be made for all such teaching each year on the Application Form for Additional Teaching.  This applies equally to lectures, seminars and BCL/MJur tutorials.  

(The University does not permit graduate students to teach other graduate students.)

4. Exeptional payment for teaching in excess of normal Faculty stint (other than BCL/MJur tutorials)

A Faculty member may in exceptional circumstances be paid for lecturing or giving seminars in excess of their normal stint, provided an application using the Application for Additional Teaching Form is submitted well in advance and approved by the Vice Dean or the Planning and Resources Committee.  

All stint requirements must have been met before a payment for teaching in excess of normal Faculty stint can be made.  Internal rates will apply (see below).

5. BCL/MJur Tutorials

Faculty members may receive recognition / remuneration for BCL and MJur tutorials by one or more of the following:

1. Counting tutorials against Faculty stint. 

2. Buyouts, for those with college stint and who are giving a substantial number of tutorials (advance approval required).  

3. Payment by the Faculty. 

Please see the separate page on BCL/MJur Tutorials for further information on these options, especially on obtaining advance approval for a buyout. 

6. Rates of pay for Additional Teaching

EXTERNAL RATES FROM 1 OCTOBER 2023: [to be updated]

(figures quoted below are all at 2022/23 rates, so subject to inflation)

Lecturing and seminar teaching by members of the Faculty not holding established University posts, or suitably qualified individuals from outside Oxford University (including college-only and Visiting Professors), will be paid an hourly rate equivalent to Grade 36S.11 (the APNTF grade), which equates to £34.55 per hour and up to 3.5 hours per lecturing hour can be claimed. 

[Example: if you give one two-hour seminar, your casual teaching contract will allow you to claim payment for up to 7 hours of work at £34.55 per hour ]

BCL/MJur tutorials will be reimbursed at an hourly rate equivalent to Grade 7.1, which equates to £17.55 per hour, and up to 2.75 hours per one-hour tutorial can be claimed. 

[Example: if you give 8 tutorials, your casual teaching contract will allow you to claim payment for up to 22 hours of work at £17.55 per hour ]

In both cases, annual leave will accrue for each hour worked, and for payroll purposes it will be assumed that this is taken in the month in which the teaching was given.


(figures quoted below are all at 2022/23 rates, so subject to inflation)

Lecturing and seminar teaching by members of the Faculty holding established University posts, where essential teaching is required in excess of their normal Faculty stint, will be paid is at the Faculty’s internal hourly rates.  Payment will be made per lecturing hour at the hourly rate equivalent to Grade 36S.11 (the APNTF grade), which is £34.55 per hour.

Over-stint BCL/MJur tutorials will be reimbursed at an hourly rate equivalent to Grade 7.1, which equates to £17.55, and up to 2.75 hours per one-hour tutorial can be claimed. 

Payment: The Personnel Officer,  will inform Additional Teachers, in advance of the teaching commencing, how to claim payment afterwards.  Payment is made upon receipt of an Additional Teaching Timesheet countersigned by the person who organised the teaching. 

BCL/MJur tutorials are expected to be one hour long; claims for tutorials lasting longer than one hour should be accompanied by a note of explanation.

Payments will normally be subject to Income Tax and National Insurance and are not pensionable.  Travel and accommodation costs are regarded as a taxable benefit. 

7. Other key information about additional teaching

Right-to-work in the UK documentation: to comply with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, before work can be undertaken for the Faculty (paid or otherwise) the teacher must supply original documentation proving that you have the right to work in the UK.

Visa requirements: if the teaching is being requested from a non-EEA national, it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that they have the correct visa or entry documentation to the UK to allow them to work for the Law Faculty and be paid for the work.  If you would like further advice on visa requirements, please contact the Personnel Officer on (0)1865 281622 or email  Please also consult the University website for information about visitor visas.

Payment claim forms: payments cannot be made to the person providing the additional teaching until the appropriate payment forms have been completed.  The Personnel Officer will contact the teacher directly, once the additional teaching application has been accepted and ask them to complete the relevant payroll forms.

Travel: if the teacher is travelling from outside Oxford the Faculty will pay the teacher’s reasonable travel expenses within the guidelines of the University of Oxford.  Applications must give details of travel required and an estimate of the cost.  This forms part of the Additional Teaching budget, and once that budget is fully committed it becomes extremely difficult to reimburse costs retrospectively. 

Accommodation: accommodation cannot be funded from the Additional Teaching budget.  However, in exceptional circumstances, if the teacher requires accommodation in Oxford the Faculty can help to arrange this for them.  Reasonable rates for overnight accommodation in Oxford are considered to be up to £100.00 per night.  If the teacher is going to need help finding accommodation, please email the Personnel Officer, in advance of the teacher’s stay.  

University card: in the unlikely event that the teacher will require a University card during their stay in Oxford, please contact the Personnel Officer,, who can send the appropriate forms.