Law and Democracy Network: Book Discussion - Horizontal Rights: An Institutional Approach by Gautam Bhatia
Dr Gautam Bhatia (Delhi), Dr Meghan Finn (Johannesburg), Dr Amal Sehti
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Dr Gautam Bhatia is a constitutional lawyer and law scholar based in New Delhi, India. He is the author of The Transformative Constitution (HarperCollins 2019), Unsealed Covers: A Decade of the Constitution, the Courts, and the State (HarperCollins 2023), and Horizontal Rights: An Institutional Approach (Hart 2023), among others. The book under discussion - Horizontal Rights - originated as a D.Phil Thesis, completed at the University of Oxford in 2021. Since the publication of the book, he has been working further on horizontal rights theory and its intersection with political economy, and comparative horizontal rights doctrine in South Africa, Kenya, Jamaica, and India.

Dr Meghan Finn is a senior lecturer in the Department of Public Law at the University of Johannesburg. Before joining academia, Meghan was an advocate at the Johannesburg Bar and clerked at the South African Constitutional Court. Her areas of teaching and research are administrative law, anti-discrimination and equality jurisprudence, and the horizontal application of rights to private persons.

Dr Amal Sethi is a lecturer at the University of Leicester where recently moved from the University of Hamburg. His primary research and teaching area is Comparative Public Law and he also works on Legal Theory, Empirical Analysis of Law, European Law, and International Law.