Rupavardhini Balakrishnan Raju

I am a DPhil candidate at the Faculty of Law. My current research is in the area of constitutional theory studying the links between nationalism, language, and constitutional identity. My doctorate is supervised by Professor Nicholas Barber and Professor Kate O'Regan. My broad research interests lie in the intersection of public law and politics, constitutional democracy, and accountability institutions.
I am currently a Stipendiary Lecturer in Administrative Law at Trinity College, Oxford, and Tutor in Constitutional Law at Brasenose College. I was previously a Stipendiary Lecturer in Public Law at Pembroke College and have taught Administrative Law at various other Oxford colleges. My teaching interests are in Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Theory, and Jurisprudence. I am the founding co-convenor of the Law and Democracy Network at the Faculty of Law.
Prior to beginning my DPhil, I was a civil servant in the Government of India, and was the Director of the National Academy of Audit and Accounts, India where I trained newly recruited civil servants, and taught law, public policy, and administration. I hold a Bachelor of Laws from the National University of Juridical Sciences and an LL.M from Harvard University where I was a Fulbright Scholar.