CANCELLED Cultural Restitution in the Transitional Justice Context: A Discussion of African and Asian Cases
CANCELLED Cultural Restitution in the Transitional Justice Context: A Discussion of African and Asian Cases
Trends in Retail Competition: Private labels, brands and competition policy - Consumer choice, competition and growth in the single market
Trends in Retail Competition: Private labels, brands and competition policy - Consumer choice, competition and growth in the single market
Assessing Access to an Effective Remedy for Individuals and Communities Affected by Arbitrary Land Takings and Related Human Rights Violations in the ASEAN
Assessing Access to an Effective Remedy for Individuals and Communities Affected by Arbitrary Land Takings and Related Human Rights Violations in the ASEAN
CANCELLED: (How) can we develop practical ethics from particular scandals: Academics’ Logics and the Case of the Post Office
CANCELLED: (How) can we develop practical ethics from particular scandals: Academics’ Logics and the Case of the Post Office
Victim Oriented Tort Law in Action: An Empirical Examination of Catholic Church (co-hosted with the Empirical Legal Studies DG)
Victim Oriented Tort Law in Action: An Empirical Examination of Catholic Church (co-hosted with the Empirical Legal Studies DG)