Sarah Coy

Responsible Exploitation and Translation Officer, EEBio Project

Position Description

 In March 2024 Sarah joined the Department of Engineering, University of Oxford as Responsible Exploitation and Translation Officer on the EEBio Project. She continues to work closely with HeLEX and is considered part of the team.

Sarah joined HeLEX in 2014, planning and managing a series of complex international research grants that explored the use of new technologies in health, including AIDE, StemBANCC and Governance of Health Data in Cyperspace projects. Central to these has been a drive to ensure governance systems appropriately serve the needs of all stakeholders, highlighting the importance of appropriate approaches to involving and engaging society to understand values and expectations.

Sarah has a PhD in Developmental Biology and Genetics and extensive experience of wet-lab research. Before joining HeLEX, she worked as secretariat for the Department of Health’s Policy Research Programme and NIHR, planning and monitoring research to inform health policy.

Position Description

  • Oversaw the portfolio of research undertaken by HeLEX, leading grant preparation and submission and monitoring project deliverables.
  • Provided research governance support to HeLEX activities, facilitating the development of regulatory frameworks and instigating best practice in international collaborations.
  • Designed and supported stakeholder engagement and involvement activities, including public workshops and public ambassador panels.

