HeLEX is included in the family-friendly Festival of Science event
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Join some of the HeLEX team for a fascinating, FREE, family-friendly event at the Pitt Rivers Museum on Saturday 29 October in Oxford!
The Festival of Social Science is a celebration of creative, engaging and impactful work that social science researchers do to help us understand and influence the world around us. It celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2022.
Get involved with hands-on activities at the "Exploring AI in healthcare: the good, the bad and the ugly" area and discover how social science research is helping to make the world a better place.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term we hear about frequently, but it still sounds futuristic. What would you want to know to be able to trust AI in your own healthcare?
By playing "Spot The Difference" and "Pass It On" and even making choices about cake decorations, you’ll find out how researchers and medics are starting to use artificial intelligence in healthcare and what that means for you.
You’ll learn how data about people’s health is used and explore the opportunities and challenges that presents.
Suitable for everyone, especially under 11s with their parents/careers. This is a drop-in activity – just turn up! There's something for curious minds of all ages.