Liz Fisher

Liz Fisher, BA/LLB (UNSW), D Phil (Oxon) is Professor of Environmental Law at the Faculty of Law Corpus Christi College. Her research explores the mental constructs lawyers and legal scholars use to legally reason, particularly in relation public administration and environmental problems. Her work is grounded in national common law jurisdictions.
Elizabeth Fisher and Sidney Shapiro, Administrative Competence: Reimagining Administrative Law (CUP 2020) was jointly awarded the American Bar Association Administrative Law Section's Scholarship Award 2021. Her 2007 book, Risk Regulation and Administrative Constitutionalism, won the SLS Peter Birks Prize for Outstanding Legal Scholarship 2008. Other publications include Environmental Law: A Very Short Introduction (OUP 2017) and Fisher, Lange and Scotford, Environmental Law: Text, Cases and Materials (2nd ed, OUP 2019).
Two recent edited publications include Elizabeth Fisher, Jeff King, and Alison L Young (Des), The Foundations and Future of Public Law (OUP 2020) and Elizabeth Fisher and Brian Preston (eds) An Environmental Court in Action: Function, Doctrine and Process (Hart 2022). Fisher is also General Editor of the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies and and served as General Editor of the Journal of Environmental Law for a decade from 2012 to 2022.
Fisher is an Overseas Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law. She has won teaching awards, and served as Vice Dean of the Law Faculty 2013-6, HT 2019, and TT 2021 (the last being Vice Dean (Personnel)). She was awarded a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship for 2022-25 for a project exploring legal imagination and environmental law.