Illia Chernohorenko

Illia served as the Director-General for the Rule of Law Directorate at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (2018-2019) and consulted the President of Ukraine within the dedicated commission on legal reform (2019-2020). Before this, Illia acted as a Senior Assistant to the President of the Supreme Court and the representative of the Supreme Court in Ukraine for the Superior Courts Network established by the European Court of Human Rights under Protocol 16 to foster judicial dialogue and collaboration.
In recent years, Illia has managed various justice sector reform projects in Europe and Asia within international organisations including the Council of Europe (more details here and here), the European Union, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (more details here and here). His professional experience also includes serving as a Visiting Professional at the International Criminal Court, Appeals Chamber (2020-2021).
Illia was graduated with master’s degrees in International Human Rights Law from the University of Oxford (New College, 2021), and in International Dispute Resolution from the Queen Mary University of London (Chevening Scholar, 2017). He also completed a visiting fellowship at the University of Bristol (2022–2023), focusing on inter-state applications before the European Court of Human Rights, under the supervision of Professor Sir Malcolm Evans. Since October 2023, Illia has been pursuing a part-time DPhil in Law, focusing on repurposing assets affiliated with aggressor states as a means of redress for human rights violations, under the supervision of Professor Freya Baetens.
Since January 2025, Illia has been a research resident at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, focusing on both his DPhil project and research on inter-state applications before the ECtHR, as well as the broader implementation of ECtHR judgements against respondent states' assets.
Illia has recently published in The Times (here), the Oxford Human Rights Hub blog (here), and contributed to Foreign Policy (here). He has also recently spoken at various forums and conferences, including at the UK Parliament (more details here), Bar Council of England and Wales Annual Conference (here), Cambridge (here and here), Leiden (here), Oslo (here), and Luxembourg (here). Illia serves as a member of the European Law Institute (ELI) and recently participated in the ELI High-Level Expert Group on the seizure of assets to address human rights violations, led by Sir Geoffrey Vos (more details here).
Chernohorenko I, 'Seizing Russian Assets to Compensate for Human Rights Violations in Ukraine: Navigating the Legal Labyrinth European Papers', Vol. 8, 2023, No 3, European Forum, Insight of 28 December 2023, pp 1067-1075
Chernohorenko I, 'Implementation of the European Court of Human Rights Judgments as an Instrument for Recovery of Ukraine and its Accession to the European Union' in Ukraine's Journey to Recovery, Reform and Post-War Reconstruction (Springer October 2024)
Hоrnle J, Hewitson M, Chernohorenko I, Council of Europe, European Committee on Legal Co-operation, ‘Online Dispute Resolution and Compliance with the Right to a Fair Trial and the Right to an Effective Remedy (Article 6 and 13 of the European Convention of Human Rights)’, Technical Study on Online Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, November 2018
Report Discretion of Administrative Bodies and Judicial Control, EU funded project Pravo-JUSTICE, Ukraine, 2021
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, ‘Assessment report on readiness for the introduction of online courts’, June 2023
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, ‘Guide on readiness for the introduction of online courts’, June 2023
Ukraine Legal Network (ULN) Podcast - 16 August 2024.