PIL Research Seminars

PIL research seminar HT24

Public International Law Research Seminars

The Public International Law Research Seminars are at the heart of PIL@Oxford research.

These seminars are open to Oxford research (MPhil and DPhil) students and Faculty members working in international law, as well as to visiting scholars. The seminars offer an opportunity for members of the Oxford PIL research community to present their work - at various stages - to fellow students and academics in a friendly and informal atmosphere. If students have a PIL component in their research, but are not currently on the Research Seminar mailing list, please contact the PIL Research Assistant (details below) .

The PIL Research Seminars are currently held in the Wharton Room, All Souls College, and online via Zoom. Joining instructions are sent by email to all those on the Research Seminar mailing list.

These seminars are held weekly during term time, on Wednesday mornings from 09.30 to 10.30am. Each week a researcher makes a brief presentation on the subject of their research and the topic is then opened for discussion. This is one of the liveliest and most searching forums for discussion of international law at the University, and it is an excellent way of keeping up-to-date in the subject and honing analytical and presentation skills.

Schedule for Trinity Term 2024

Week 1: 24 April 2024
Ayako HatanoAI and Hate Speech Through the Lens of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Week 2: 1 May 2024
Katharina Neumann – Adding Another Piece to the Puzzle: The Role of International Environmental Law in Addressing Agricultural Emissions

Week 3: 8 May 2024
Jonathan HellThe Prohibition of the Use of Force and Cyber Operations

Week 4: 15 May 2024
Hosung AhnSituating International Organizations and their Practice in the International Legal System

Week 5: 22 May 2024
Dr. Daphné Richemond-Barak Underground Warfare: Legal and Operational Dilemmas

Week 6: 29 May 2024
Catherine SavardWhat mens rea for ecocide in the Rome Statute?

Week 7: 5 June 2024
Claudia TamRethinking the loss and damage framework in international climate change law from the perspective of Third World Approaches to International Law

Week 8: 12 June 2024
Yue Cao Determining the Content of Customary International Law: Identification, Interpretation, Application and Development,  and the Navy / FCDO presentations

Further information about the PIL Research Seminars

If you would like more information about the PIL Research Seminars, or to join the PIL Research Seminar mailing list, please contact the PIL Research Assistant in the first instance:

PIL Research Assistant: Ayako Hatano.

Senior Faculty Member: Professor Dapo Akande.