Andrew Dickinson
Professor of the Conflict of Laws

Andrew Dickinson joined the Faculty in 2013, and is a fellow of St Catherine's College. After studying law in Oxford (MA and BCL; St Edmund Hall), Andrew attended the College of Law in Chester before qualifying as a solicitor with Clifford Chance in London. From 2011-2013, he was Professor of Private International Law at the University of Sydney.
Andrew is an Honorary Senior Fellow at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and a member of the Mance Committee, the UK Government's Standing Committee on private international law matters.
Position Description
Fellow and Tutor, St Catherine's College; Professor of Law
Dickinson A, ‘Electronic Trade Documents and the Conflict of Laws in the United Kingdom’ [2024] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 55
Briggs A and Dickinson A, ‘Reframing Jurisdiction: A New Scheme?’ (2022) 41(4) Civil Justice Quarterly 317
Dickinson A, ‘Realignment of the Planets - Brexit and European Private International Law’ (2021) 41(44256) IPRax 213
DICKINSON A, ‘The Interference Paradox’ [2020] The Law Quarterly Review
DICKINSON A, ‘Assigning Priorities in the Conflict of Laws’ [2020] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly
DICKINSON A, ‘Exclusively Yours’ [2020] The Law Quarterly Review
DICKINSON A, ‘In Another’s Shoes: Subrogated Parties and the Brussels I Regulation’ [2019] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly
DICKINSON A, ‘Lax Standards’ [2019] Law Quarterly Review
Dickinson A, ‘A View from the Edge’ [2019] (25) Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper
DICKINSON A, ‘Foreign Submission’ [2019] Law Quarterly Review
Dickinson A, ‘Status Check: Trustee Liability to Third Parties in the Conflict of Laws’ [2018] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly
Dickinson A, ‘Fostering Uncertainty in the Law of Tort - Armes v Nottinghamshire CC’ [2018] Law Quarterly Review
Dickinson A, ‘Schibsby v Westenholz and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in England’ [2018] The Law Quarterly Review
Dickinson A, ‘Tough Assignments: the European Commission’s Proposal on the Law Applicable to the Third-Party Effects of Assignments of Claims’ [2018] IPRax
Dickinson A, ‘Acts of State and the Frontiers of Private (International) Law’ [2018] Journal of Private International Law
Dickinson A, ‘Fawlty Powers - One Star Service in the English Courts’ [2018] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly
Dickinson A, ‘Close the Door on Your Way Out - Free Movement of Judgments in Civil Matters - A ’Brexit’ Case Study’ (2017) 2017(3) Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 540
Dickinson A, ‘Oiling the Machine - Overriding Mandatory Provisions and Public Policy in the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts’ [2017] Uniform Law Review
Dickinson A, ‘Close the Door on Your Way Out - A Bystander’s Guide to Brexit’ [2017] Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Dickinson A, ‘Keeping Up Appearances - The Development of Adjudicatory Jurisdiction in the English Courts’ (2017) 86(1) British Yearbook of International Law 6
Dickinson A, ‘Back to the future: the UK’s EU exit and the conflict of laws’ (2016) 12(2) Journal of Private International Law 195
Dickinson A, ‘Harmonisation of the Forum Conveniens Tests in Australian and Trans-Tasman Proceedings: A Discussion Paper’
Dickinson A, ‘A principled approach to choice of law in contract?’ (2013) 28(March) Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Finance Law 151
Dickinson A, ‘Germany v. Italy and the Territorial Tort Exception: Walking the Tightrope’ (2013) 11 Journal of International Criminal Justice 147
Dickinson A, ‘Territory in the Rome I and Rome II Regulations’ (2013) 2013 Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 86
Dickinson A, ‘The Role of Public Policy and Mandatory Rules within the Proposed Hague Principles on the Law Applicable to International Commercial Contracts - Updating Note’ [2012] (12) Sydney Law School Research Paper
Dickinson A, ‘The Role of Public Policy and Mandatory Rules within the Proposed Hague Principles on the Law Applicable to International Commercial Contracts’ [2012] (12) Sydney Law School Research Paper
Dickinson A, ‘A Note on the Autonomy of the Parties’ Agreement on Choice of Law’ [2012] (12) Sydney Law School Research Paper
Dickinson A, ‘By Royal Appointment: No Closer to an EU Private International Law Settlement?’
Dickinson A, ‘Sculpture and Mind Tricks in the Conflict of Laws: Lucasfilm v Ainsworth’ (2012) 1 Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 21
Dickinson A, ‘Service Out of the Jurisdiction in Contract Cases: Straightening Out the Deck Chairs? Global 5000 v Wadhawan’ (2012) 2 Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 181
Dickinson A, ‘The Future of Private International Law in Australia’ [2011] (11) Sydney Law School Research Paper
Dickinson A, ‘In the EU, we trust? A new European framework for jurisdiction and judgments’ (2011) 17 Trusts and Trustees 280
Dickinson A, ‘State immunity and foreign judgments in the United Kingdom â?? the vulture swoops’ (2011) 4 Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 581
Dickinson A, ‘Provisional Measures in the “Brussels I” Review: Disturbing the Status Quo?’ (2010) 6(3) Journal of Private International Law 519
Dickinson A, ‘Rebuttable Assumptions’ (2010) 1 Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 27
Dickinson A, ‘Restrained No More? Service Out of the Jurisdiction in the 21st Century’ Greene, Wood & McClean v Templeton Insurance’ (2010) 1 Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 1
Dickinson A, ‘The Force be with EU? Infringements of US Copyright in the English Courts’ (2010) 2 Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 181
Dickinson A, ‘Provisional Measures in the Brussels I Review - Disturbing the Status Quo?’ (2010) 3 IP Rax - Praxis Des Internationalen Privat- Und Verfahrensrechts 203
Dickinson A, ‘State Immunity and State Owned Enterprises’ (2009) 10 Business Law International 97
Dickinson A, ‘The Effect in the European Community of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters: Recognition, Res Judicata and Abuse of Process: Report for England and Wales’
Dickinson A, ‘Resurgence of the Anti-Suit Injunction: The Brussels I Regulation as a Source of Civil Obligations’ (2008) 57(2) International and Comparative Law Quarterly 465
Dickinson A, ‘Third Country Mandatory Rules in the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations - ’So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu?’’ (2007) 3 Journal of Private International Law 53
Dickinson A, ‘Dicey, Morris & Collins: The Conflict of Laws, Book Review’ (2007) 123 Law Quarterly Review 314
Dickinson A, ‘The Law Applicable to Contracts - Uncertainty on the Horizon?’ (2006) 21 Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 171
Dickinson A, ‘’Renvoi - The Comeback Kid?’ Neilson v OPC’ (2006) 122 Law Quarterly Review 183
Dickinson A, ‘’Revolutionary Claims’ Equatorial Guinea v. Royal Bank of Scotland’ (2006) 122 Law Quarterly Review 569
Dickinson A, ‘Status of Forces under the UN Convention on State Immunity’ (2006) 55 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 427
Dickinson A, ‘’Applicable law arbitrage - an opportunity missed?’ Base Metal Trading v. Shamurin’ (2005) 121 Law Quarterly Review 374
Dickinson A, ‘European Private International Law - Embracing New Horizons or Mourning the Past?’ (2005) 179 Journal of Private International Law 197
Dickinson A, ‘’A charter for tactical litigation in Europe’ Turner v. Grovit’ (2004) 3 Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 273
Dickinson A, ‘’Now you seize it, now you don’t’ Societe Eram v Compagnie Internationale de Navigation; Kuwait Oil Tanker v Qabazard’ (2004) 120 Law Quarterly Review 16
Dickinson A, ‘Weighing up the value of arguments’ [2003] Law Society Gazette
Dickinson A, ‘Cross-Border Torts in EC Courts - A Response to the Proposed Rome II Regulation’ (2002) 13 European Business Law Review 369
Dickinson A, ‘Book Review: Chitty on Contracts / Furmston, Law of Contracts’ (2000) 116 Law Quarterly Review
Dickinson A, ‘Restitution and the Conflict of Laws’ [1996] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 556
Dickinson A, ‘The Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Recast) (’Brussels I bis’ Regulation)’
DICKINSON A, ‘Realignment of the Planets: Brexit and European Private International Law’ IPRax
DICKINSON A, ‘Foreign Acts of State and the Conflict of Laws’ The Law Quarterly Review
Dickinson A, ‘Anti-suit injunctions - beyond comity’ Journal of Private International Law
DICKINSON A and others, Dicey + 100 Albert Venn Dicey: a Centennial Commemoration (Intersentia 2024)
Collins of Mapesbury L and others, Dicey, Morris & Collins, The Conflict of Laws (15th edn, 1st to 5th Supplements) (L Collins of Mapesbury ed., Sweet & Maxwell 2019)
Collins of Mapesbury L and others, Dicey, Morris and Collins on The Conflict of Laws (L Collins of Mapesbury ed., Sweet & Maxwell 2012)
Dickinson A, The Rome II Regulation: The Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations (Supplement) (Oxford University Press 2010)
Dickinson A, The Rome II Regulation: The Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations (Oxford University Press 2008)
Dickinson A, Lindsay R and Loonam J, State Immunity: Selected Materials and Commentary (Oxford University Press 2004)
Dickinson A, ‘Damage’ in J Borg-Barthet and others (eds.), From Theory to Practice in Private International Law Gedächtnisschrift for Professor Jonathan Fitchen (Bloomsbury Publishing 2024)
Dickinson A, ‘Dicey on Higher and Legal Education’ in A Dickinson and others (eds.), Dicey + 100 - Albert Venn Dicey: A Centennial Commemoration (Intersentia 2024)
MULHOLLAND M, ‘Revolution and the Rule of Law: Dicey on Irish Home Rule’ in A Dickinson and others (eds.), Dicey + 100 : Albert Venn Dicey, a centennial commemoration (Cambridge : Intersentia Ltd 2024)
Dickinson A, ‘Future Landmarks: Scanning the Horizon’ in W Day and L Merrett (eds.), Landmark Cases in Private International Law (Bloomsbury Publishing 2023)
Dickinson A, ‘Abouloff v Oppenheimer Revisited’ in C McLachlan and J Harris (eds.), Essays in International Litigation for Lord Collins (Oxford University Press 2022)
Dickinson A, ‘United Kingdom’ in D Girsberger, T Kadner Graziano and J Neels (eds.), Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts - Global Perspectives on the Hague Principles (OUP 2021)
Dickinson A, ‘Taming Anti-Suit Injunctions’ in A Dickinson and E Peel (eds.), A Conflict of Laws Companion - Essays in Honour of Adrian Briggs (Oxford University Press 2021)
Dickinson A, ‘Cryptocurrencies and the Conflict of Laws’ in Fox and Green (eds.), Cryptocurrencies in Public and Private Law (Oxford University Press 2019)
Douglas M and others, ‘Commercial Issues in Private International Law <i>A Common Law Perspective</i> EDITORS’ PREFACE’, COMMERCIAL ISSUES IN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW: A COMMON LAW PERSPECTIVE (2019)
Dickinson A, ‘In Absentia The Evolution and Reform of Australian Rules of Adjudicatory Jurisdiction’, COMMERCIAL ISSUES IN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW: A COMMON LAW PERSPECTIVE (2019)
Dickinson A, ‘Background and Introduction to the Regulation (ch 1), Transitional Provisions (ch 16), Final Provisions (ch 18)’ in A Dickinson and E Lein (eds.), The Brussels I Regulation Recast (Oxford University Press 2015)
Dickinson A, ‘Territory in the Rome I and Rome II Regulations’ in J Basedow, U Magnus and R Wolfram (eds.), The Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs (Springer 2015)
Dickinson A, ‘What, if anything, can Australia Learn from the EU Experience?’ in A Dickinson, M Keyes and T John (eds.), Australian Private International Law for the 21st Century (Hart Publishing 2014)
Dickinson A, ‘Article 15: Participation in companies or other collective bodies’ in R O’Keefe, C J. Tams and A Tzanakopoulos (eds.), The United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property: A Commentary (Oxford University Press 2013)
Dickinson A, ‘Non-Contractual Obligations: Common Issues’ in L Collins of Mapesbury (ed.), Dicey, Morris & Collins: The Conflict of Laws (Sweet and Maxwell 2012)
Dickinson A, ‘Particular Contracts’ in L Collins of Mapesbury (ed.), Dicey, Morris & Collins: The Conflict of Laws (Sweet and Maxwell 2012)
Dickinson A, ‘Tort/Delict’ in L Collins of Mapesbury (ed.), Dicey, Morris & Collins: The Conflict of Laws (Sweet and Maxwell 2012)
Dickinson A, ‘Free Movements of Judgments in the EU: Knock Down the Walls but Mind the Ceiling’ in E Lein (ed.), The Brussels I Review Proposal Uncovered (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2012)
Dickinson A, ‘Surveying the Proposed Brussels I bis Regulation: Solid Foundations but Renovation Needed’ in A Bonomi and GP Romano (eds.), Yearbook of Private International Law Volume XII (2010) (Sellier European Law Publishers 2011)
Dickinson A, ‘Legal Certainty - Too Much of a Good Thing?’ in P de Vareilles-Sommi and egrave;res (eds.), Forum Shopping in the European Judicial Area (Hart Publishing 2007)
Dickinson A, ‘English Private International Law Aspects of Provisional and Protective Measures’ in M Andenas and B Hess (eds.), Enforcement Agency Practice in Europe (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2005)
Dickinson A and Peel E (eds.), A Conflict of Laws Companion - Essays in Honour of Adrian Briggs (Oxford University Press 2021)
Douglas M and others, Commercial Issues in Private International Law (Hart Publishing 2019)
Dickinson A, Dickinson A and Lein E, The Brussels I Regulation Recast (Oxford University Press 2015)
Dickinson A and others, Australian Private International Law for the 21st Century: Facing Outwards (Hart Publishing 2014)
Dickinson A and others, Butterworths International Commercial Litigation Handbook - Second Edition (Butterworths 2006)
Dickinson A, ‘No Coming Back?’ (EAPIL Blog, 1 January 2021)
Dickinson A, ‘Walking Solo – A New Path for the Conflict of Laws in England’ (ConflictofLaws.Net, 1 January 2021)
Dickinson A, ‘Privacy and Personality Rights in the Rome II Regime: Not Again?’ (1 January 2010)
Dickinson A, ‘Rome-ing Instinct (Jacobs v Motor Insurers Bureau (CA))’ (1 January 2010)
Dickinson A, ‘Tick Tock: Temporal Application of the Rome II Regulation Referred to the CJEU (Homawoo v GMF Assurances)’ (1 January 2010)
Dickinson A, ‘Transnational Securities Class Actions - A Private International Law Perspective’ (1 January 2010)
Dickinson A, ‘Brussels I Review’ (1 January 2009)
Dickinson A, ‘Dickinson on West Tankers: Another One Bites the Dust’ (1 January 2009)
Dickinson A, ‘Non-Domiciled Parties and the Brussels I Regulation: A Phantom Menace’ (1 January 2009)
Dickinson A, ‘Provisional Measures in the Brussels I Review’ (2nd Conference on European Procedural Law 2009)
Dickinson A, ‘The Brussels I Regime: Private Law and Anti-Suit Injunctions’ (Academy of European Law Conference on Private International Law and Business Law 2008 2008)
Dickinson A, ‘Agency in the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations - The Man Who (Almost) Wasn’t There?’ (Journal of Private International Law Conference 2007 2007)
Dickinson A, ‘European Private International Law - New Horizons or Legal Vandalism’ (Journal of Private International Law Conference 2005 2005)
Dickinson A, ‘Law Commission Review of the Arbitration Act - Response to Question 1 in the Second Consultation Paper (No 258) on the law applicable to an arbitration agreement’ (18 April 2023)
Dickinson A, ‘Service out of Jurisdiction - Raising Spirits’ (2023) 82(1) Cambridge Law Journal 25 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘A Boost for Libel Tourism’ [2022] The Law Quarterly Review (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘W(h)ither Unjust Enrichment? Border Disputes in the Conflict of Laws (Again) (Hrvatske Sume v BP Europa)’ [2022] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 226 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘The Provinces of Contract and Tort - Border Disputes in the Conflict of Laws (Wikingerhof v’ [2021] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 216 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘The Interference Paradox (SAS Institute Inc v World Programming Ltd)’ (2020) 136(Oct) Law Quarterly Review 569 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Assigning Priorities in the Conflict of Laws (BGL BNP Paribs SA v Teambank AG Nurnberg)’ [2020] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 191 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Exclusively Yours (Ablynx v VHsquared)’ (2020) 136 Law Quarterly Review 215 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘In Another’s Shoes: Subrogated Parties and the Brussels I Regulation (Airbus v Generali Italia)’ [2019] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 496 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Lax Standards (Kaefer Aislamientos v AMS Drilling Mexico)’ (2019) 135(July) Law Quarterly Review 369 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Status Check: Trustee Liability to Third Parties in the Conflict of Laws (Investec Trust v Glenalla Properties)’ [2018] (Aug) Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 456 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Faulty Powers - One Star Service in the English Courts (Four Seasons Holdings Incorporated v Brownlie)’ [2018] (May) Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 189 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘The Right to Rome? The Law Applicable to Direct Claims Against Insurers and Anti-Suit Injunctions’ (2016) 132(Oct) Law Quarterly Review 536 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Fatal accidents - the law applicable to claims by family members (Lazar v Allianz SpA)’ (2016) 132(Apr) Law Quarterly Review 212 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Click wrapping choice of court agreements in the Brussels I Regime (El Majdoub v Cars on the Web)’ [2016] (February) Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 15 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Once Bitten - Mutual Distrust in European Private International Law (The Alexandros T)’ (2015) 131(April) Law Quarterly Review 186 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Towards an agreement on the concept of contract in EU private international law (Brogsitter v Fabrication de Montres Normandes)’ [2014] (November) Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 466 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Service abroad - an inconvenient obstacle? Abela v Baadarani [2013] UKSC 44’ (2014) 130(April) Law Quarterly Review 197 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Litigation - Vicarious Liability (Credit Lyonnais v ECGD)’ [1999] Journal of International Banking Law (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Restitution and conflicts in the House of Lords (Kleinwort Benson v Glasgow)’ (1998) 6 Restitution Law Review (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Jurisdictional Trespass (Re Polly Peck)’ [1998] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 519 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Restitution and Incapacity: A Choice of Law Solution? (Baring Brothers v Cunninghame DC)’ (1997) 5 Restitution Law Review 66 (case-note)
Dickinson A, ‘Further Thoughts on Foreign Torts - Boys v Chaplin Explained? (Red Sea v Bouygues)’ [1994] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 463 (case-note)
B Cohen N and others, ‘Commentary on the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts’ (2015)
Dickinson A and Saumier G, ‘Commentary on the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts, Art 11 (Overriding mandatory rules an public policy)’ (2015)
Lein E and Dickinson A, ‘Study on the Question of Effectiveness of an Assignment or Subrogation of a Claim Against Third Parties and the Priority of the Assigned or Subrogated Claim against the Right of Another Person’ (2011)
Dickinson A, ‘Study (JLS/C4/2005/03) for the European Commission on the Application of the Brussels I Regulation, England and Wales national report (with J van de Velden, M George and R Murphy)’ (2006)
Dickinson A, ‘The Use of Public Documents in the EU’ (2005)