The Faculty welcomes Justice Majiedt of the Constitutional Court of South Africa
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The Faculty of Law is delighted to welcome Justice Steven Arnold Majiedt of the Constitutional Court of South Africa to Oxford this week

Justice Majiedt is a current Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of South Africa. He was appointed in 2019, leaving his seat at the Supreme Court of Appeal, where he was first appointed in 2010. Prior to this, Justice Majiedt was an advocate at the Northern Cape Society of Advocates, before his first judicial appointment at the Northern Cape High Court in Kimberley in 2000.
During his visit, Justice Majiedt will deliver a lecture for the MSc in International Human Rights programme, be interviewed for the Oxford Law Black Alumni (OLBA) Network 'Changemakers' series, meet postgraduate research students, and record a podcast for the Oxford Human Rights Hub. We are grateful to Justice Majiedt for being willing to participate in so many activities during a short visit.

The visit was organised by Sfiso Benard Nxumalo, President of the OLBA Network, with the support of Sandra Fredman, Shreya Atrey, Ben McFarlane, Clara Elod, and Kristin van Zwieten. Financial support through the Faculty's Research Support Fund is also gratefully acknowledged.
Stay tuned for the upcoming release of the OLBA Changemakers Series interview with Justice Majiedt and the Oxford Human Rights Hub podcast.