Faculty of Law Alumni, cited in Ibrahim v United Kingdom Judgement

Dr. Ryan Goss has had his book, “Criminal Fair Trial Rights: Article 6 of the EuropeanConvention” (Hart, 2014), cited in the European Court of Human Rights. Dr Goss, now Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University, was previously JRF in Law at Lincoln College, and an Oxford BCL/DPhil graduate.

Judges Sajó and Laffranque cited Dr Goss’ book in their Joint Partly Dissenting, Partly Concurring Opinion in the Grand Chamber’s decision in Ibrahim v United Kingdom (13 September 2016).  Ibrahim concerned the extent to which Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights guaranteed the availability of legal advice during police questioning. Judges Sajó and Laffranque drew on Dr. Goss’ argument in stating that ‘there is no logically compelling ground to claim that only an “overall fairness” evaluation (based on the outcome of the trial) can result in a finding of a violation of Article 6.’ 

Dr. Goss studied Criminal Justice and Human Rights on the BCL at the Faculty of Law here in Oxford and later taught that course alongside Liora Lazarus and Andrew Ashworth (Goss' PhD supervisor). While at Oxford Dr. Goss was involved with Oxford Pro Bono Publico, and his research supported by the Rhodes Trust