New book by Dr Ekaterina Aristova: ‘Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in the English Courts’
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Dr Ekaterina Aristova, a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, released a new book ‘Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations: The Challenge of Jurisdiction in the English Courts’ (OUP 2024).

There is an emerging trend of private claims being brought against parent companies of transnational corporations for their alleged involvement in human rights and environmental abuses committed abroad. These cases form part of an international effort aimed at strengthening responsible business conduct, the success of which depends on the rules governing domestic courts' power to adjudicate disputes. The book offers a new angle to the business and human rights discourse by placing the discussion of parent company liability cases in the context of the topical debate about the changing role of private international law in a globalised world. While the book is written from the perspective of English law, it also draws on examples of similar claims in other jurisdictions to broaden the discussion.
The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and Oxford Business and Human Rights Network will host a launch of the book on 5 June 2024 in collaboration with the Conflict of Laws Discussion Group and the Obligations Discussion Group.