Vinerian Scholars Gather in Oxford
Associated people

On 18 September, twenty eight Vinerian scholars and proxime accessit award holders gathered for an evening seminar, Reflections on the Vinerian Scholarship, and dinner at All Souls' College. The event, believed to be the first of its kind, was organised by Hugh Collins, Vinerian Professor of English Law (Vinerian scholar in 1975) and Professor Andrew Dickinson (1994).
After a welcome from Professor Timothy Endicott, Andrew's presentation based on his short paper ('A Brief History of the Vinerian Scholarship') was followed by the reflections of Mary Stokes (1980), Owen Lloyd (2015) and Lord Hoffmann (1957) on their own experiences as BCL students and as scholars.

Current and former Faculty members attending the event included Anthony Honoré, Emeritus Regius Professor of Civil Law at All Souls (1948), John Eekelaar (1965), John Gardner, Professor of Jurisprudence (1987) and Angus Johnston, Professor of Law (1999).
A second event will take place in Sydney on 16 December 2015.
If you would like any further information about either event or the scholarship, please contact Andrew Dickinson (