2020 Criminal Law Debate: "This house does not believe that procuring sex by trickery should ever be rape"

Event date
13 February 2020
Event time
17:00 - 20:00
Oxford week
Gulbenkian Lecture Theatre
Paul Jarvis (6KBW College Hill), Rachel Clement Tolley (University of Cambridge), Sallie Bennett-Jenkins QC (2 Hare Court), Matt Dyson (University of Oxford)
2020 Criminal Law Debate
"This house does not believe that procuring sex by trickery should ever be rape"


Faculty of Law, 13th February, Gulbenkian Lecture Theatre, 5pm doors open (straight after the Criminal Law Revision Lecture, 4-5pm, for Moderations and FHS students), likely start time 5:30pm; drinks around 7:15pm and doors close 8pm.

Join leading specialists in the field to debate a difficult and important topic within criminal law. In the past we have debated the new law of dishonesty and the law of manslaughter, and this year we turn deception and sexual offences. This year we have two academics, one Treasury Counsel, used to prosecuting the most difficult cases for the Crown, and one of the leading defence solicitors in this area. All welcome, but to get the most out of the event, come with an open mind, difficult questions, and a good grounding in the law and commentary.

After the debate ends around 7:15pm, there will be a chance to meet the speakers find out more about their perspectives on criminal law and criminal justice over drinks and nibbles in the foyer.



Paul Jarvis


Rachel Clement Tolley


Sallie Bennett-Jenkins QC


Matt Dyson 




This event is open to all students of the Faculty of Law

Found within

Criminal Law