Faculty Internet Engagement Fund

Next deadline, 2024-2025 academic year, is Friday 25th April 2025.

The Faculty Internet Engagement Fund (FIEF) provides support for blogs, podcasts, vlogs, and similar forms of engagement through the internet. This is not for Research Assistants for Research Groups who might help with maintaining Research Group subsites.   

Applications can be made for editorial and technical support.

When the application is for a Research Assistant, it is expected that the person employed will normally be a current doctoral member of the Law Faculty at the time of applying. Blog editorships must be advertised in accordance with the new guidelines on these opportunities.

The maximum amount that can be awarded to any project in a single year is £5,000. 

In the event that there are more requests for money than there are available funds, the Committee will consider the amount of support, if any, the project has already received from the Law Faculty or other funders, and the impact that the project has had, or is likely to have had.

Those wishing to create a new blog linked to the Faculty first need to secure the approval of the Communications and Web Advisory Group.  Please refer to our subsite policy for further information.  Enquiries about establishing a blog should be directed to the Communications Manager, communications@law.ox.ac.uk for referral to the Communications and Web Advisory Group. The FIEF cannot be used to pay for access to platforms outside of the Oxford Faculty of Law website.

The following groups of staff are eligible:

  • Any Faculty member who currently holds an academic post funded by the Law Faculty with a contract for a period of two years or longer. New members of Faculty who have a start up grant that has not been used in full, or who have used the start up grant but are still in the first year of the post, need to check the guidelines to see if they are eligible.
  • Any Faculty member who currently holds a College post, and has a contract with their College for two years or longer. Junior Research Fellows are only eligible if they have a contract with their College that includes a teaching obligation of at least 4 hours per week during term.
  • Any member of research staff employed by the Faculty, the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, or the Centre for Criminology who is on grade 07S or above and whose contract or consecutive contracts are for a total of two years or more.

How to Apply and Deadlines
Applicants should complete a Faculty Internet Engagement Fund application form and return it by e-mail to Law Faculty Research Administration @ research@law.ox.ac.uk. Deadlines for the FIEF will match deadlines for the Research Support Fund (RSF) (i.e. generally in week 0 of each term and at the start of the long vacation).